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Oct 17, 2021
  • Assignment 1

    To pass this unit learners must:

    1.1 Analyse theories, principles and models of learning. (500 words minimum)

    1.2 Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment. (500 words minimum)

    Students are to demonstrate their understanding of how theories, principles and models of learning are applied in education and training.

    1.3 Analyse models of learning preferences. (500 words minimum)

    1.4 Explain how identifying and taking account of learners individual learning preferences enables inclusive teaching, learning and assessment.(500 words minimum)

    Students are to analyse models of learning preferences, taking into account individual learning preferences and how it enables inclusive teaching, learning and assessment.

    1.Please use and apply Harvard System of Referencing for any secondary sources used.

    2.As a teacher trainee, please ensure that your work is appropriately structured and presented.

    Assignment 2

    To pass this unit learners must:

    2. Understand the application of theories, principles and models of communication in education and training.

    2.1 Analyse theories, principles and models of communication.(500 words minimum)

    2.2 Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment.(400 words minimum)

    Students are to analyse theories, principles and models of communication. You are also to explain ways in which theories, principles and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning an assessment

    1.Please use and apply Harvard System of Referencing for any secondary sources used.

    2.As a teacher trainee, please ensure that your work is appropriately structured and presented.

    Assignment 3

    To pass this unit learners must:

    3. Understand the application of theories, principles and models of assessment in education and training.

    3.1 Analyse theories, principles and models of assessment. (500 words minimum)

    3.2 Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of assessment can be applied in assessing learning.(500 words minimum)

    Students are to analyse theories, principles and models of assessment and explain how they can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment.

    1.Please use and apply Harvard System of Referencing for any secondary sources used.

    2.As a teacher trainee, please ensure that your work is appropriately structured and presented.

    Assignment 4

    To pass this unit learners must:

    4. Understand the application of theories and models of curriculum development within own area of specialism.

    4.1 Analyse theories and models of curriculum development. (500 words minimum)

    4.2 Explain ways in which theories and models of curriculum development can be applied in developing curricula in own area of specialism. (500 words minimum)

    Students are to analyse theories and models of curriculum development and also explain how they can be applied in developing curricula in own area of specialism. 

    1.Please use and apply Harvard System of Referencing for any secondary sources used.

    2.As a teacher trainee, please ensure that your work is appropriately structured and presented.

    Assignment 5

    To pass this unit learners must:

    5. Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and evaluation to reviewing own practice.

    5.1 Analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation. (500 words minimum)

    5.2 Explain ways in which theories and models of reflection and evaluation can be applied toreviewing own practice. ( use SWOT analysis if possible)(500 words minimum)

    Students are to analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation and explain how to apply these theories and models in their own specialism.

     1.Please use and apply Harvard System of Referencing for any secondary sources used.

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