This assessment item focusses our attention on value chains, competitive strategy and management ethics. The level of analysis is the whole organization (or business unit), rather than one specific BP. For the successful development of this assignment, you need to combine theoretical concepts about particular topics and, apply them to the specific situation presented. Use your own words to build your explanations and, academic references to strengthen your arguments. It is compulsory to follow prescribed instructions.
1. This question is about Porter’s Value chain. You need to address the following questions based on the whole organisation/business unit you used in A1. Use your own words to develop explanations. A minimum of 2 academic reference is expected.
a) Summarise your A1 introduction section, detailing option selected, goods/services produced, how you collected information and your role in selected organisation. This portion neither attract marks nor enters in the word count of A2 but it is compulsory.
b) Pinpoint two ‘strategically relevant activities’, within primary activities and explain why they are important.
c) Pinpoint two ‘internal linkages’ among primary activities and explain why they are important.
d) Explain how your organisation (or business unit) creates value to achieve its competitive strategy (either cost leadership or differentiation) through its strategically relevant activities and internal linkages. Answers need to be specific and detailed rather than generic. Use your 2 own words to develop explanations. Use a minimum of 2 academic references.
2. This section is about ethics and business processes. Based on the primary activities of the Value Chain you developed in Part 1, address the following points:
a) Point out one activity, from the primary actives, (see part 1) that is (or that it could potentially be) related to ethical issues. Explain how and why this activity is related to ethical issues.
b) What type(s) of management ethics can be associated to this activity? Elaborate an argument to support your answer. Hint, see week 10 content.
3. This section is about SDGs. You have just been promoted to CEO of the organisation you used to develop A1. You have decided to support the achievement of two SDG (sustainable development goals) using your organisation’s value chain. Specify and explain four actions you would implement to achieve those two SDGs (two actions for each SDG). Students must not use the same/similar actions presented as examples in this course.
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