+44 7743 307695
Jun 23, 2023

A. Workplace Policies and Procedures:
Review the policies and procedures in relation to health and safety that are in the Healthcare workplace, and pay
particular attention to the following:

  • Employers and employee duties in relation to the legislation – Health, Safety and Welfare at
  • Emergency planning & reporting procedures – how are the emergency procedures documented,
  • what reporting procedures are in place for accidents and incidents in the Healthcare setting?
  • Policies in relation to safe working environments (Healthcare)

B. Workplace Safety Statement:

  • You should carry out an analysis of your Healthcare workplace safety statement – what are the elements and functions of the safety statement.
  • C. Safety Audit:
    You are required to conduct a Safety Audit on your workplace to include the following:

    • List and Classify 3 hazards in the Healthcare work environment – include hazards in relation to work practices, human hazards (alcohol/medication), and housekeeping.
    • Provide a detailed risk assessment conducted in relation to the hazards identified above with recommended actions to minimize or eradicate risks listed.
    • Appropriate control measures recommended in relation to the above hazards, with a view to improving the level of health and safety in the workplace.
      Ensure you are using a safety Audit layout that is measurable

    D. Recommendations and Personal Learning

    • Include 3 recommendations on how to promote safe and healthy work places.
    • Reflection on your personal learning and development achieved throughout the module.
      Marks will also be allocated for the following:
      – Demonstrate evidence of critical thinking, additional research and correct referencing
      – Formatting of project and overall layout
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