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Apr 04, 2023

Unit Code & Title : 7123SOH Advancing Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice
Weighting : 40%
Word Count : 1500 words
This assessment brief is designed to clearly present the assessment task and marking rubric. It begins with a short module overview. For more detail about the module, how it is organised, the support available and the submission of coursework please see the module guide. This assessment brief provides you with information about the assessment
and should be read in conjunction with the Module Descriptor found on the Module Information Directory (MID).
7123SOH Advancing Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice Assignment – Coventry University UK.

Aim of the Module :
The aim of this module is to develop the breadth and depth of students theoretical and clinical knowledge of the wide range of approaches currently used within manual therapy in the holistic assessment and management of neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction. Students will be encouraged to appraise and evaluate the underpinning theory, evidence base and practical application of each approach and to integrate this into their clinical practice using clinical reasoning skills.

The module provides the opportunity for students to learn a wide range of current manual therapy techniques from specialists teaching in these clinical areas.

Learning Outcomes :-
The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module the student should be able to:

1.Discuss the principles of patient assessment and management including contraindications and indications and the integration of pain sciences.

2.Analyse the different approaches to manual therapy exploring issues of theoretical concepts, assessment and treatment and how they can be integrated into clinical practice.

3.Evaluate and critically appraise existing approaches to manual therapy through the appraisal of current literature.

4.Develop communication & clinical reasoning skills enabling the more effective management of patients with neuromusculoskeletal disorders using a broad range of manual therapy approaches.

5.Develop the application and appropriate selection of a broad range of psycho motor skills in manual therapy to assess and manage patients with neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction effectively.

Method of Assessment :
A 30-minute practical viva including a 1500 word supporting document submitted one week prior to the assessment.

Overview :The assessment will be one piece of coursework with two components; a Viva and a Supporting Document.

During the 30-minute viva and in combination with your supporting document, you will discuss and demonstrate your critical assessment & management of a patient scenario.

The viva is 30 minutes in duration and includes discussion and demonstration of a chosen assessment and treatment technique. This is based on a given case scenario that you will have chosen from the choice of 6 provided at the start of the module

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