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Apr 05, 2023

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this 7BSP1249 Research Skills For Management Assignment

  • analyse research concepts, paradigms, principles, conceptual frameworks and theories;

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

  • plan a complex research activity in a systematic and creative manner;
  • identify and use material which can form the basis of a literature review and defend those choices
  • communicate effectively orally and in writing, using appropriate referencing on all written work
    • 7BSP1249 Research Skills For Management Assignment Brief


      Before starting on this referral assignment, students must carry out a preliminary literature search to help them identify a suitable research area and narrow this down to a feasible topic. They must be able to state this in the form of a QUESTION.

      Between 18:00 – 22:00 on Tuesday, 24 March 2020, each student will have a virtual 1-2-1 skype meeting with their module tutor to agree their individual research direction/area and question. Available time slots will be sent out by email invitation via doodle polls. Once you receive the email, make sure you complete the poll to guarantee your appointment.

      You will also be sent an invitation on skype from the skype address siegrid. beck You must accept this invitation in order to have your skype meeting with your tutor at the agreed time slot.

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