+44 7743 307695
Jan 10, 2025

Centre Details

Centre Number:  
Centre Name:  
Learner Number (First 7 digits of CIPD Membership Number):  
Learner Surname:  
Learner Other Names:  
Unit Code: 7HR03
Unit Title: Strategic Reward Management
Assessment ID: CIPD_7HR03_24_01
Assessment Start Date:  
Assessment Submission Date:  
First Resubmission Date for Centre Marking – If Applicable:  
Second Resubmission Date for Centre Marking – If Applicable:  
Declared Word Count:  


Your knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this specialist unit will be assessed through your answers to the four questions listed below.

You will write four answers of approximately 1000 words to the questions posed and submit them together in a single document. This constitutes your assessment for this unit. The total word count for the assessment will therefore be 4000 words, plus or minus 10%. The bibliography, list of references, and essential appendices (if applicable) are not included in the total word count – but the latter must be kept to a minimum.

You must demonstrate within the submitted evidence (through headings and sub-headings) which learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been cited. We are unable to moderate your work if this is not included.

As this is an Advanced Diploma, it is important that you are able to demonstrate not only good knowledge and understanding of the material associated with each learning outcome, but also the ability to develop an original argument and justify it persuasively with reference to wider reading. Examples of approaches taken in a range of organisations are also an effective means by which to justify your arguments.

The six main criteria that CIPD requires centres to use when marking your assessment are outlined below, but it may be that not all these criteria are present in every question.

Assessment Questions

As a part of the selection process for an internal promotion, you have been given the following brief:

Businesses continue to operate under a backdrop of economic instability, and many regions are experiencing a cost-of-living crisis. The latest CIPD reward management survey (2023) reports that some employers are making a much valued difference to the financial wellbeing of their workforce; others are falling short of employees’ expectations.

To explore this further, you are required to prepare answers to the following questions for discussion at a forthcoming interview. For the purpose of this assessment, you need to apply your answers to either your own organisation or one with which you are familiar.

It is essential that your reading of the published literature is used to inform your responses to all questions.

Question 1 (AC 1.4)

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s reward strategy recommending how this might be revised to more effectively attract and retain employees.

Question 2 (AC 2.4)

Evaluate the concepts of universal benefits as opposed to flexible ‘cafeteria’ style benefits, recommending which approach would be most suited to the organisational context. Justify your recommendations.

Question 3 (AC 3.2)

Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of using incremental pay scales within organisations, explaining why these would be appropriate to your organisation or not.

Question 4 (AC 4.3)

Examine the potential ethical issues associated with the use of contingency forms of reward within the organisation.

Declaration of Authentication

Declaration by Learner:

I can confirm that:

  • This assessment is all my own work.
  • Where I have used materials from other sources, they have been properly acknowledged and referenced.
  • I have not used Artificial Intelligence tools to generate content for my assessment.
  • I understand the consequences of malpractice and accept that any violation of this agreement may result in disciplinary action.
Learner Name:  
Learner Signature:  
Date (Submission Date):  

Marking Grid

Learning Outcome Mark
LO1 Understand effective reward strategies and policy frameworks  
LO2 Understand the value of a ‘total rewards’ approach  
LO3 Understand pay structures and approaches to establishing pay levels  
LO4 Understand the importance of organisational approaches to compliant and ethical reward practice  
Total Marks for this Task:  

Assessor Feedback Summary

Assessor’s overall feedback on the assessment will be provided here.

Second Marker Feedback (if applicable)

Second Marker Name:  
Second Marker Signature:  
Second Marker Comments:  

Generic Grade Descriptors

Fails to address all the questions either sufficiently fully or directly. An adequate attempt to address all the questions fully and directly. A good attempt to address all the questions relatively well and directly. An excellent attempt to address all the questions very well and directly.
Inadequate knowledge and understanding in respect of one or more of the questions. Limited depth and breadth of analysis. Adequate knowledge and understanding across the questions. Satisfactory breadth and depth of analysis. Full and solid knowledge and understanding across all the questions. Good breadth and depth of analysis. Very full knowledge and understanding across all the questions. Excellent breadth and depth of analysis.


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