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Apr 05, 2023

Subject Code & Title : 7HSK0288 Imagination And Innovation For Evidence Based Nursing Care Dissertation 
Word limit : 2,500 words +/- 10%):
Assessment Type : Assignment
The I&I module at level 7 is an unusual module in that there are few formal sessions and the outcome (the assessment) is based on interaction with your facilitator. There are no set answers, no formal frameworks, and no ‘right’ answers. I appreciate this can be daunting for students who are used to essays with definitive guidelines but you are all coming to the end of a Master’s degree and it is expected at this level you should show novelty and critical thinking in your work.
7HSK0288 Nursing Care Dissertation Assignment – UK.

Each student is going to create a piece of work that focuses on something they are interested in.To support you in this you will have a designated facilitator who will be your main source of support.
Facilitators can not be chosen – they will be allocated.

The assignment is split into two parts (both 2,500 words +/- 10%):
In order to ‘succeed’ in this module you are required to meet the learning outcomes in your project write up and these are detailed under each heading.

7HSK0288 Imagination And Innovation For Evidence Based Nursing Care Dissertation Assignment – UK.

Part One: Project proposal :-
Relevant learning outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding
1.Critically analyse the literature, contextualising the rationale behind the work-based practice project proposal, demonstrating initiative and decision making.

3.Demonstrate how the underpinning module knowledge, skills and attitudes apply to their specific fields of nursing and to the essential needs of all service users.

Skills and attributes
1.Show mastery in systematically accessing and critiquing the relevant literature and evidence base related to the work-based practice project proposal.
2.Use principles and approaches of evidence-based nursing practice and initiative to design a work-based practice project proposal within their specialist field of nursing which is underpinned by appropriate evidence.

The first thing you will need to do is to identify a gap in the care of the service users in your particular areas. This is where the innovation comes in.

A.The gap must be nursing related (not medical and then justified by saying ‘nurses are Involved’). This is a nursing Masters.
B.The gap can be anything that will improve care – and this includes helping nurses with their workload/resilience/education. For instance, a previous project reported on the possibility of‘huddles’ in improving safety (though there has been an argument for resilience huddles as well – which seems to be a form of debrief).
C.The ‘innovation’ of the gap can be something that is already implemented elsewhere (geographically or in another field of nursing) that you think would be useful in a particular area. For instance, students have previously used both Mental Health and Learning Disability nursing ideas and transferred them to the adult nursing field.

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