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Jul 12, 2024

Assignment Task

Q1. (a) A pull of 1.5x10 kN was gradually applied to a hot rolled 150x150 square hollow section (SHS), 5.5m long and 1.6cm thick. If the elastic modulus is 205x10 kPa, and the corner fillets are negligible, calculate the:

  1. Area of the square tube.
  2. Volume of the square tube.
  3. Stress-induced in the square tube.
  4. Elongation in the square tube.

(b) Write the bending equation and name the terms.

Q2 Determine the polar moment of inertia of the unsymmetrical I-section shown below. All dimensions are in millimeters (mm).


Q3. A rectangular beam of cross-section 50mm x 200mm is subjected to a vertical shear force of 3.0kN. For y values (-100≤ y ≤ 100) at 25mm intervals, determine and sketch the shear stress
distribution throughout the depth of the section.


Q4. A mo-hinged parabolic arch spans 12m and carries a uniformly distributed load of 1
over the entire span as shown below. Determine

(a) The horizontal thrust

(b) The normal thrust and the radial shear at 3m from the left support.



Q5. A beam is simply supported at its ends, A and B, and transmits a uniformly distributed load
(UDL) of SkN/m over its entire length.

(a) Calculate the bending moment, shear forces and draw the bending moment and shear force

(b) Estimate the bending moment at a distance 1.5m from the left support and determine the distance where the maximum bending moment occurs.

Q6. Using method of joints, analyse the force in each member of the pin-jointed truss shown


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