+44 7743 307695
Apr 25, 2023
    • Assessment Instruction

      The assessment for this module is by means of a case study/in-organisation strategic analysis. You are required to write an individual essay in 3000 words, applying theories and concepts covered in class to your own organisation or a case study of your choice.

      Select a suitable organisation and analyse systematically the relationship between business strategy and Human Resource Management.
      Your essay should include (in equal proportions):

      • An analysis of the strategy and strategic process of the chosen organisation, by means of applying EITHER Barney`s RBV/VRIN model, OR Porter`s Value Chain & Activities map tool.

      • With reference to PESTLE analysis, illustrateTHREE impactful waysemployment and HR policy and practice in your chosen organisation are shaped by external factors present at the international, national, industry or local level.

      • A critical discussion of HR practitioners` roles in your chosen organisation, with reference to Ulrich`s (1988) vision for the HR function.

      You may add no more than two pages of diagrams or charts that apply the models or frameworks in an appendix (e.g. a VRIN chart, an Activity Map, or a Value Chain, as appropriate) but the ideas in these must be discussed in the essay.

      Before deciding on the organisation, you should first consider:

      • your unit of analysis. In the case of large organisations it is sometimes better to focus on a strategic business unit (SBU) in order to make the tasks you have been set more manageable.

      • how easy (or difficult) it is to gather appropriate information including some relevant statistical data on your selected organisation.

      Your essay should include (in equal proportions):

      An analysis of the strategy and strategic process of the chosen organisation, by means of applying EITHER Barney`s RBV/VRIN model, OR Porter`s Value Chain & Activities map tool.

      With reference to PESTLE analysis, illustrate THREE impactful ways employment and HR policy and practice in your chosen organisation are shaped by external factors present at the international, national, industry or local level.

      A critical discussion of HR practitioners` roles in your chosen organisation, with reference to Ulrich`s (1988) vision for the HR function.
      1000 words in each portion compulsory

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