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Apr 01, 2023

Unit title & code ASS066-1 Understanding the Human Services
Assignment number and title Assignment 2 – Individual Film Presentation and Individual Reflective Account
Assignment type Produce an individual film presentation and write a 500-word individual reflective account.
Weighting of assignment 40%
Size or length of assessment Part 1 – Individual Film Presentation:Groups with 4-5 people – 20-25 minutes are allowed overall Groups with 3 people or less – 10-15 minutes are allowed overall (not more than 5 minutes each)
ASS066-1 Understanding The Human Services Presentation Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

Part 2 – Individual Reflective Account:
10% under or over the required length

1.Both parts of the assignment, Film Presentation and Reflective Account, must be submitted to qualify for a pass
2.It is an audio-video file, and not an audio file – this means that you need to appear in the video
3.Although you work within a group, you will film your oral presentation individually
4.Each of you should upload the audio-video file individually
5.Make sure you state your name/student-number/group-number at the start of your presentation
6.You do not need to choose the same occupational/professional group chosen for Assignment

Unit learning outcomes:
1.Demonstrate an understanding of the emergence and development of a professional/occupational group and its main changes and achievements in terms of policy, professional status, power, education,and influence.
2.Analyse the relationship between a professional/occupational group and a service-user group with a protected characteristic (age, sex, sexual orientation, religion and belief, race and ethnicity, gender reassignment, marriage and partnership, disability, pregnancy and maternity).

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