+44 7743 307695
Jun 05, 2023


Hi there, You already have the corrosponding readings related to the answers.
Please read for section 1:
Mill, J. S. (2012). On liberty. In H. Kuhse & P. Singer (Eds.). Bioethics: An anthology (2nd ed.). (pp. 621–623). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Original work published in 1859)
Dworkin, R. (2012). Life past reason. In H. Kuhse & P. Singer (Eds.). Bioethics: An anthology (2nd ed.). (pp. 357–364). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Original work published in 1993)
Gawande, A. (2012). Whose body is it, anyway?In F. Baylis, B. Hoffmaster, S. Sherwin, & K. Borgerson (Eds.). Health care ethics in Canada (3rd ed.). (pp. 258–268). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education. (Original work published in 1999)
Please read for section 2:
Freedman, B. (2012). A moral theory of informed consent. In F. Baylis, B. Hoffmaster, S. Sherwin, & K. Borgerson (Eds.). Health care ethics in Canada (3rd ed.). (pp. 268–277). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education. (Original work published in March 2012)
Sherwin, S. (2012). A relational approach to autonomy in health care. In F. Baylis, B. Hoffmaster, S. Sherwin, & K. Borgerson (Eds.). Health care ethics in Canada (3rd ed.). (pp. 242–258). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education. (Original work published in 1998)
Beauchamp, T. (2015). Informed consent: its history, meaning and present challenges. In H. Kuhse & P. Singer (Eds.). Bioethics: An anthology (2nd ed.). (pp. 635 – 641). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Original work published in 1993).


Please read for section 3:
Nielsen, K. (2012). Autonomy, equality and a just health care system. In F. Baylis, B. Hoffmaster, S. Sherwin, & K. Borgerson (Eds.). Health care ethics in Canada (3rd ed.). (pp. 71–77). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education. (Original work published 1989).
Harris, J. (2015). The value of life. In H. Kuhse & P. Singer (Eds.). Bioethics: An anthology (2nd ed.). (pp. 397 – 405). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Original work published in 1995).

21 minutes ago
Kuhse, H. and Singer, P. Bioethics, An Anthology. 3rd Ed. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2015.

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