+44 7743 307695
Aug 15, 2023


Vaccines help to bring down the death toll of infectious diseases. Within less than 12 months after the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, several research teams had developed vaccines that protect from SARS-CoV-2. It is therefore essential to monitor the COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by the people.

(a) Construct a data pool (in table form) for the COVID-19 vaccine dose based on the sample block stated in Table Q1. You may collect data for the vaccine doses from this link income group country=High+income~Low+income~Lower+middle+income~Upper+middle+in come

(b) Referring to the data pool, compute the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the total vaccine dose per hundred people.

(c) Suppose that the total vaccine dose per hundred people is increased at an average rate of 13 per month. Compute the probability that a 10 to 15 increment rate of total vaccine dose per hundred people in the next month.

(d) Interpret the significance of income on the COVID-19 vaccine doses administrated by performing a suitable hypothesis testing with a confidence level of 95%. The assumptions/hypothesis made must be stated.

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