+44 7743 307695
May 18, 2023
  • John Tan has just graduated from Sunway University with a BSc (Hons) in Cyber Security. As a top student, he was headhunted by the government and started working as a cyber security analyst at the Bukit Aman police intelligence agency.

    During the course of his work, he stumbles upon documents, which reveal that the government is spying on leaders of opposition parties whom they suspect allegedly have links to the Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers.

    He discusses this matter with his superior officer, Superintendent Hashim who tells him that though the spying was illegal, it was essential for national security. He also tells John that the sanction for the spying came from the highest office of the government.

    He further warns John not to divulge facts of the case to anyone else in the organization and especially no one on the outside as it may lead to his dismissal from the organization or even his arrest for treason. Superintendent Hashim indicated the presence of specific laws/acts which prevented government employees from revealing secrets that would embarrass the government of the day.

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