+44 7743 307695
Apr 10, 2023

Module code :-  BMSW4005
Module :- Professional Career Development
Contribution to Over all Module Assessment (%):- 100%
Assignment Title :- Professional career development report and role play
Word count (or equivalent):-  10 mins role play 20 minutes for each pair and 2000 words report
BMSW4005 Professional Career Development Assignment – UK

Module Learning Outcomes (from module syllabus)

1. To introduce students to strategies for personal reflection and career development planning.
2. To gain confidence and competence as effective employees.

Upon the successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
1. Under stand the skills and knowledge needed for working effectively.
2. Demonstrate readiness for employability and personal advancement through an
under standing of personal strengths and areas for further development.
3. Establish employment goals and develop a personal action plan.

BMSW4005 Professional Career Development Assignment – UK


Professional career development skills are very important in all industries both to you as a graduate looking to develop your self and help you to demonstrate to potential employers youremployability.

Task 1 – Role-play
Student pairs will present a role play, acting as both interviewee and interviewer for a role linked to their personal ambition (20 minutes for each pair).

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