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Dec 23, 2023

Assignment Task


The dynamics of the global business environment are shaped by an intricate web of external factors that wield crucial impact over the organizational strategies and operations (Shams et al., 2021). This report embarks on a comprehensive exploration of how an array of external elements impacts the evolution of two iconic companies: Tesco during the 1990s and Ford throughout the 2010s. These distinct eras serve as focal points for understanding the profound interplay between external influences as well as corporate trajectories (Henry, 2021). Within the global business landscape, the amalgamation of social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal, and ethical factors forms a complex tapestry driving change and innovation (Henry, 2021). Comprehending the interconnectedness of these factors is significant in deciphering the adaptability and resilience which is required for organizational success across the different epochs (Shams et al., 2021). This analysis endeavours to offer a comprehensive understanding of how each element within the STEEPLE framework contributes to the transformation of business practices (Henry, 2021). By scrutinizing the contextual impact of these factors on Tesco and Ford, this report aims to clarify the mechanisms through which external forces drive adaptation, innovation, and strategic recalibration in a constantly changing global business environment.

Executive summary

In the respective eras, the multinational companies called Tesco and Ford had navigated dynamic landscapes and responded to the evolving consumer behaviours and market demands so as to retain their growth. This assignment utilizes the STEEPLE framework as an analytical lens to deeply examine the external factors influencing strategic evolution for both the business companies. Applying this multifaceted framework facilitates a nuanced, contextual exploration of the technological, social, economic political, environmental, legal, and ethical dynamics uniquely shaping each company across the distinct periods.


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