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May 01, 2024

Assignment Task

(Research design + critical justification) The assignment requires the following steps to complete:

1. Identify a research question that examines some aspect of business in a world of disruption. Although the pandemic is almost over, disruptions to the business world have escalated post-pandemic, including economic and political uncertainty, cyber-crimes, social media disrupting the very nature of facts and truth, natural disasters, and Artificial Intelligence and digital technologies among others. Your research question can be based on your interests, knowledge and experiences of a disrupted business world and how this relates to some aspect of business in your discipline area (e.g. operations and supply chain management, marketing practices and consumer behavior, international business, human resource management practices, business strategy etc).

2. Develop an appropriate, coherent and robust research plan for investigating your research question. Your plan should include the rationale for your choice of research paradigm, choice of method (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods), strategies for data collection and analysis, techniques and procedures including sampling, and `goodness` criteria.

3. Critical evaluation of your chosen method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) against the alternative methods you did not choose.

4. Write up your assignment as a word individual assignment that describes your research question, evaluates a suitable research plan, and justifies all of your choices. Specifically, your write-up must include:

a. A description of the research question that your empirical study will investigate. You should consider both theoretical and practical relevance in choosing your question;

b. A plan for investigating your research question using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods. Your research plan should evaluate and justify your choice of research paradigm, methods for data collection, sampling procedures, analysis strategy, and `goodness` criteriaActivate Win c. A critical evaluation of your proposed research plan against the alternative methods (i.e. theo to Settings to methods you did not choose) to justify why your plan is the best fit with your research question

Analysis Strategie

  • Clearly describe how you plan to analyse the quantitative and/or qualitative data that you generate from your data collection. You are not expected to actually collect and analyse data, but rather to describe the strategies you could take to analyse this data.
  • Explain what the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed analysis strategies are for generating findings that contribute to theoretical knowledge in the literature and to practice and/policy

Research Question

  • How do AI influence the ways to mitigate operational risk in the financial institution?
  • How you get that data to invest that research question?
  • What is your design here? Who are you going to interview?
  • What kind of interview going to do? Semi-structured interview/ focus group case study?
  • Collect data from interview with managers in one organizarion ? Media story?
  • Collect media documents Formue comment?
  • How you generate some text data that qualitative data releveant to your research? Are you going to collect it?
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