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Nov 09, 2021
  • Writes a clear, comprehensive and concise explanation of the CTG policy and comprehensively discusses one relevant CTG target concerning Judys current health problem
    Writes a clear, and detailed explanation of the CTG policy and comprehensively discusses one relevant CTG target concerning Judys current health problem.
    Writes a clear explanation of the CTG policy and discusses one relevant CTG target concerning Judys current health problem.
    Writes a superficial explanation of the CTG policy and superficially discusses one relevant CTG target concerning Judys current health problem.
    The explanation of the CTG policy is not clearly expressed due to poor written expression.
    Analyse & discuss 3 social determinants, in relation to the potential health benefits and or challenges of Judy being registered with CTG and how this impacts on her diabetes.
    (Potential 15 marks)
    Clear, comprehensive and concise analysis and discussion of the potential long term consequences of Judys Diabetes to 3 social determinants of health and how they are addressed within the CTG policy.
    Clear and detailed analysis and discussion of the potential long term consequences of Judys Diabetes to 3 social determinants of health and how they are addressed within the CTG policy.
    Clear analysis and discussion of the potential long term consequences of Judys Diabetes to 3 social determinants of health and how they are addressed within the CTG policy.
    Identifies the potential long term consequences of Judys Diabetes to 3 social determinants of health, but the link to the CTG policy is superficial and could be developed further for analysis.
    The identified social determinants do not clearly relate to Judy and/or the CTG policy. Written expression is not clear.
    Discusses the procedure of how Judy was registered with CTG and the roles of the Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) and, Aboriginal Liaison Officer (ALO), and what services they can provide to Judy. Also explains the interrelationship between the AMS and ALO. (Potential marks 15)
    Writes a clear, comprehensive and concise explanation of how Judy was registered with CTG and the roles of the AMS and ALO and how these services can assist her. Clearly explains the interrelationship between the AMS and ALO.
    Writes a clear, and detailed explanation of how Judy was registered with CTG and the roles of the AMS and ALO and how these services can assist her. Clearly explains the interrelationship between the AMS and ALO.
    Writes a clear explanation of how Judy was registered with CTG and the roles of the AMS and ALO and how these services can assist her. Clearly explains the interrelationship between the AMS and ALO.
    Writes a superficial explanation of how Judy was registered with CTG and the roles of the AMS and ALO and how these services can assist her. Mentions, but the interrelationship between the AMS and ALO is not clearly explained.
    The explanation of Judy being registered with CTG and the roles of the AMS and ALO are not clearly discussed. The interrelationship between the AMS and ALO is not clearly explained.
    Application of the concept of cultural respect in regards to the discussion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples throughout the assignment.
    (Potential 5 marks)
    Writing demonstrates cultural respect in how people are represented. All language used in the essay is appropriate regarding history, society, naming, culture, spirituality and classifications of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Where appropriate, Aboriginal People are referred to by their country, nation, or language group rather than generic identifiers such as Aboriginal or Indigenous.
    Writing demonstrates cultural respect in how people are represented. Terminology referring to Indigenous Peoples is correct and proper nouns are capitalised. Where appropriate, Aboriginal People are referred to by their country, nation, or language group rather than generic identifiers such as Aboriginal or Indigenous.
    Writing mostly demonstrates appropriate terminology to demonstrate cultural respect. There are occasions where acronyms are present and some capital letters for nouns missing.
    Writing reflects some appropriate terminology to demonstrate cultural respect. There is some use of acronyms and capital letters for nouns missing.
    Writing does not reflect cultural respect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, with infrequent appropriate terminology used and frequent use of acronyms, generalisations.
    Academic writing and referencing (this relates to all of the above criteria) Uses current, appropriate literature and statistics throughout the assessment. UTS Harvard referencing and conventions of academic writing are adhered to.
    Uses current and relevant evidence-based literature from a variety of sources has been correctly cited and incorporated effectively to support discussion analysis. Written expression is clear throughout including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
    Uses current and relevant evidence-based literature from a variety of sources that have been mostly correctly cited and incorporated effectively to support discussion and analysis. Written expression is mostly clear throughout including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
    Mostly correctly cited current and relevant evidence-based literature from a variety of sources that have been incorporated to support discussion and analysis. Written expression mostly clear with some errors in spelling, grammar and/ or punctuation.
    Evidence of the use of relevant evidence-based literature. However, the scope is limited or not always current or errors in citations
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