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Feb 19, 2024

Assignment Task

During this task, you must demonstrate the awareness and competence to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

You must complete both tasks.

1. Guided Reflection to express and document your perspectives on diversity.

  • Work through the questions in the reflective journal to guide you in deconstructing your perspectives on diversity. When you have finished the reflection, complete the Practical Observation.

2. Practical Observation checklist

  • Demonstrate that you can recognise and respect the needs of people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds in 3 different situations in the workplace.
  • Your workplace supervisor will observe you and complete the checklist.

Instructions for Workplace Supervisor

  • Observe and gather evidence of the student recognising and respecting the needs of people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds in at least three (3) different situations.
  • Provide detailed feedback on the student’s ability to perform tasks to industry standard.

Assessment Conditions

Task 1 does not require you to be on placement to complete, however, the Task 2 Observation Checklist must be completed in an appropriate workplace while interacting with at least 3 people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.

If the opportunity to complete a task does not come up:
If some tasks cannot be demonstrated due to a lack of opportunities (e.g. arranging for an interpreter), these can be demonstrated to the Workplace Supervisor as a simulation.

Simulations can be a role-play where the student goes through the motions of completing a task or demonstrating skill using the resources in the workplace as if the situation was available (e.g. following the workplace procedure for booking an interpreter, having the Workplace Supervisor role play as the interpreter service).

Guided Reflection

Part 1 – Prompts and knowledge questions

Examining your own beliefs and values is a process. The following questions are structured as a guide to assist you in reflecting on your own perspectives on diversity. The questions will assist you in gaining awareness of your own values and beliefs.

1.1 Imagine that you have been transported to a place in the world where the culture, language, traditions, values, beliefs and practices, food, dress, gender roles, religious beliefs, individual rights, family roles, and child-rearing practices are completely different to your own. You are required to live in this place for six months without any contact with your home or family.

  1. Describe how you might feel and what you would miss most.
  2. What assistance would you like from your new community to help you settle in and feel safe?
  3. Describe how you might translate this self-reflection to your work with customers and colleagues from a culture other than your own.

1.2 In your own words, define and explain the concept of diversity

1.3 Reflecting on your own background, experiences, and beliefs, answer the following questions regarding your perspective on diversity.

  1. How would you describe your social and cultural perspectives and/or biases? Explain how and why you have developed these beliefs?
  2. Identify two (2) limitations in your own self and social awareness.
  3. How can you use self-reflection to support your ability to work with inclusive practices and to become more understanding of others? 

1.4 What are the benefits of self-reflection? List five (5) benefits.

1.5 Identify and plan for ways to improve your own self and social awareness.

Details of interactions
The student is required to engage verbally and non-verbally with at least three people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds. This can be people from different cultures, genders, sexual orientations, ages, religious or spiritual beliefs and disabilities.
Describe each situation the student engaged in to demonstrate the skills listed in Part 2 of this task.

Situation 1

  1. What was the diverse background of the person the student engaged with?
  2. For what purpose did the student interact with them?
  3. How long did the interaction last?
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