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Dec 16, 2023

Assignment Task

Assessment task details

A supplementary assessment provides an additional opportunity for a student who has not achieved a passing grade for a topic to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes of the topic by completing an additional assessment activity

The aim of this supplementary assessment activity is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding and knowledge of working with and supporting families.    


This assessment task asks you to discuss communication skills and counselling strategies for working with infants, children and/or families in your intended context of practice. For example, you might be expecting to work in a child and family health service, a general practice or other primary health care setting providing nursing care to infants, children and/or families.

With this intended context of nursing practice in mind, you should discuss the following aspects of communication skills and counselling strategies and how you will apply them when working with infants, children and/or families:

  1. Discuss theories and principles of communication and therapeutic relationships relevant to your intended context of practice.

  2. Discuss how you will apply these theories and principles of communication to your intended context of practice.

  3. Identify and discuss potential influences on communication (facilitators and barriers) in your intended context of practice.

  4. Discuss and apply relevant communication and counselling skills that you will use in your intended context of practice.


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