Introduction To Research and Inquiry
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the design and conduct of education research and inquiry
Learning Outcome 2: Understanding of research processes including design, implementation and ethics
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Research Proposal
Please note:
- You can use the bolded headings to frame your assessment task if you wish
- The suggested word count (suggested below) for each of the sections is approximate only. This may vary from student to student. The assignment should comprise a flow of a coherent sequence of paragraphs.
- Total word count - 2500-3000 words (excluding reference list, in-text references are included in the word count)
- Please use at least 1.5 spacing
Literature review
- Approx. 350-400 words
- Explain what is already known in literature on the topic of your interest
- Iinclude references to at least 6 reputable scholarly journal articles on the topic.
- Explain what you want to know but what is missing in the literature (gap in literature). This should lead to articulating the aim of your proposed research and proposed research questions.
- The section contributes to assessment criterium 1
Research paradigm, aim and research questions/hypotheses
- Approx. 500-600 words
- Formulate the aim of research (directly relates to the gap identified in literature).
- Explain, briefly, your proposed research approach (research paradigm: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods)and justify why it is suited to the aimof your proposed research
- Formulate a specific research question/hypothesis and explain how thisrelates to the research paradigm that you chose. Remember that qualitative and quantitative research questions are written differently.
- No more than two research questions should be included
- Include references to research methodology books or articles in this section
- The section contributes to assessment criterium 2
Research design and participants
- Approx. 650-700 words
- Explain your research design. Remember that the design must align with your chosen approach.
- If your design is experimental, quasi-experimental please ensure you provide a brief explanation of the intervention
- Describe your participants (who, how many, how will they be recruited) and where the research will be conducted, i.e., the context of research
- Include references to research methodology books or articles in this section
- The section contributes to assessment criterium 3
Data collection methods
- Approx. 650 - 950 words
- Describe specific methods/ measureswhich will be used to collectthe data (these have to be realistic)
- Explain how the selected research methods will lead to answering your research questions or supporting your hypotheses.
- Address the strengths and limitations of the data collection methods
- Include references to research methodology books or articles in this section
- The section contributes to assessment criterium 4
Ethical considerations
- Approx. 200words
- Briefly explain and discuss the ethical considerations that are relevant and specific to your proposed research and your participants
- Include references to research methodology books or articles in this section
- The section contributes to assessment criterium 5
- Approx. 100 words
- Provide a brief but specific conclusion to your proposale.g., how this research will help you to learn what you want to know and how these findings might be useful to you in your work as an educator
- The section contributes to assessment criterium 6
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