+44 7743 307695
Apr 29, 2024

Assignment Task


The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and ability to demonstrate the skills required in this unit.


1.1 Identify the project

Scenario: You are taking on the role as an estimator for the company RB Holdings who are working closely with a client Mr and Mrs Brown to prepare for the build of their dream home.

As part of establishing the requirements for Mr and Mrs Brown’s project, your manager Joe Lugarno has requested that you identify a number of project requirements; including the required site facilities, communication requirements and temporary boundary fencing requirements, for this build. These requirements must be determined in accordance with the National Construction Code (NCC) and SafeWork NSW requirements. In this activity, refer to Mr and Mrs Brown’s plans and specifications to describe the proposed project as well as the classification of this building according to the National Construction Code (NCC). You will also need to determine the SafeWork NSW requirements required for this project to commence.

To complete this task, you must complete the ‘Project Description’ tab in the Company Costing spreadsheet. Read the instructions below and complete the required information:

  1. a) summary of the project type (note classification according to NCC) including its location details
  2. b) Summary of required site facilities, communication, and temporary boundary fencing requirements
  3. c) Method of construction including the major building materials to be used
  4. d) Schedule of areas
  5. e) Distinguishing features of the site including contours
  6. f) Identify project-specific waste removal requirements.

1.2 Identify relevant codes and standards

Scenario: You have received a message from Joe Lugarno, stating that he is unsure of the relevant codes and standards that Mr and Mrs Brown’s project must consider and follow. He has asked that you identify the relevant for him.

  • In this activity, refer to Brown’s residential development plans and specifications and interpret the relevant construction regulations, codes and standards required.
  • Prepare a list of this interpretation on the ‘Legislation Codes and Standards’ tab of the Company Costing spreadsheet.
  • Provide links to websites that will enable easy access to relevant Legislation, Codes and Standards for Joe.

Note: The legislation codes and standards list can be added to as the project estimation progresses.

2: Calculate and establish project requirements

Scenario: Now that you have established the project code and standards requirements for Brown’s project, Joe Lugarno has asked you to commence with the calculation of preliminary costs associated with the project.

2.1 Preliminary Calculations

Scenario: Before the Brown project can begin there are local fees and charges, site set-up costs and statutory permissions to be considered

For this task, you will have to complete the ‘ Preliminaries’ tab in the Company Costing spreadsheet by addressing the following:

Access the Newcastle City Council Fees and Charges Document and apply the relevant fees that you identify:




Site establishment labour

15 hours


BASIX certificate



Site safety management/ supervision

25 hours


Environmental Protection establishment/maintenance

8 hours


Waste Management (bins/ waste protection)



Site fencing purchase

45 panels


Site shed/lunch room rental

15 weeks


Portaloo hire includes pump outs

26 weeks


Temporary power install and connect



Scaffolding rental – supply, install and removal – job lot for 4 weeks




When reviewing the Newcastle City Council website, you should consider:

  • The project is complying development with an estimated value of $450,000.
  • Access the plans and apply the correct ‘aggregated gross area of new works’.

Add the necessary approval fees and statutory costs that will be applied to the estimates. These fees can be found in the Newcastle City Council Fees and Charges Document provided.

  • Complying Development Application
  • Construction Certificate
  • Occupation Certificate

2.2 Determine labour costs

Scenario: Now that the preliminary costs have been determined for your estimation you have briefly discussed with Joe Lugarno the labour requirements for the Mr and Mrs Brown project. He has asked for a detailed view of the labour costs, including contractors, sub-contractors and directly employed employees to add to the estimate for Brown’s residential build.

2.3 Sundry Materials Consumables and physical resources

Scenario: So now you have the preliminaries and labour costs estimated, Joe Lugarno has requested that you begin the material, consumable and physical resource estimates.

He has referred you to the Mr and Mrs Brown’s Residential Plans as reference to determine estimated quantities to complete this task.

As a standard process RB Holdings will hire specialised equipment for projects such as the Brown’s residential build, this approach saves cost as the company does not need to pay for equipment that will not be used regularly, during this process identify plant equipment that you would consider hiring for this build.

2.4 Hire Terms and Conditions

Scenario: As you will be hiring equipment for this project, it is important to be fully aware of the Terms and Conditions that RBHoldings must agree to. Joe Lugarno has asked that you review the Terms and Conditions of your nominated plant and equipment hire supplier and identify some key aspects of these.

In this activity, you are required to use your nominated plant and equipment hire supplier (from task 2.3) and review the company Terms and Conditions. Access the ‘ Hire Terms & Conditions’ tab in the Company Costing Spreadsheet and complete the following information:

  • When does the hire period start and end and what are the periods of hire?
  • Describe the meaning of equipment waiver and what are the implications to the customer.
  • Describe operational costs that the user will be liable for under the hire agreement

3: Estimated Project Costs

Scenario : Now that you have obtained the various costs associated with the Mr and Mrs Brown project, you must apply the information to the project plans and specifications to estimate the costs to move the build through to lock up stage. Your manager Joe Lugarno would like you to establish the project cost estimates for the following works, and has asked that you use the pricing obtained in Tasks 1 and 2 to calculate these:

  • The concrete slab
  • The brickwork
  • The carpentry fix out
  • The offsite production costs for the windows.

3.1 Carpentry

Scenario: Continuing with the costing process, Joe Lugarno has requested that you calculate the required quantities and net rate costs for the carpentry required for the Mr and Mrs Brown project. He has reminded you to calculate the separate quantities and net rates for the external door, internal door, architrave and skirting as part of the total carpentry fix-out.

3.2 Offsite production cost for windows

Scenario: Joe Lugarno has called out to tell you what a great job you have been doing with the project costing and has one last request of you.

He has sent you the window specifications and has asked that you calculate the required window quantities and the offsite production cost for the window work for the Mr and Mrs Brown Project.

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