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Nov 03, 2023

Professional Simulation Scenarios

Simulation Scenario - West Central Florida Medical Center

Part of being a strategic HR professional is solving problems and sharing your solutions with others. In this course, you will be asked to create a presentation to solve realistic problems where YOU are the acting HR professional.

As you prepare your presentations in the coming weeks, imagine that you are the HR consultant, generalist or administrator, who has been called on to present to a leadership team of decision- makers. Specific instructions will be given for each case presentation.

Now is the time for you to either choose or get assigned your Professional Simulation scenario. Whether you get to choose or your instructor chooses for you is up to the discretion of the instructor for this section. This will help ensure that students have varied assignments (watching every student present on the same problem could get a little boring). The scenarios can be found on the next page.

Be sure to confirm with the instructor what your professional simulation will be

Reminder: be sure to confirm with the instructor which professional simulation you will need to complete (if assigned) or email your professor which scenario you choose.

West Central Florida Medical Center
1768 Caduceus Way
Nohweare, Florida 33333
January 2, 2016
Dear "Student":
What a pleasure to meet with you earlier this week! I would like to formally offer you the position of Assistant Director in Human Resources with West Central Florida Medical Center.

As you know, we are one of the largest non-emergency medical and surgical centers in West Central Florida, and our human resource needs are varied. I know that you will bring a great blend of education and experience to our team.

As we discussed when we met, we will need you to "hit the ground running" with various projects that are already waiting for you. I certainly look forward to working closely with you to increase the status and growth of the Center.

We`re glad you are joining us! Please don`t hesitate to let me know if my office can provide any information or support.

Florence Nachtundvend
Director of Hospital Administration
WCFMC Board of Directors
Director of Surgery & Medicine
Assistant Director of Patient Care
Assistant Director of Facilities Management
West Central Florida Medical Center - Because You Care, We Care
Proud Member of the Totenvolks Hospitals Alliance
Simulation Introduction and Instructions
Student, congratulations on your new position as the Assistant Director for HR at the West Central Florida Medical Center, a small medical and surgical hospital in Nohweare, Florida! Situated in the small town of Nohweare, with about 20,000 residents, WCFMC is a private, not for profit hospital with a walk-in medical clinic, outpatient surgery center, and many specialists (no ER services are offered).

Your responsibilities will be focused on both medical and support personnel, meaning doctors, nurses, CNAs, volunteers, as well as billing coordinators, customer service reps, and facilities workers such as janitorial and food service workers.

Your primary responsibilities:

- Creating Recruiting and Selection processes for all Center job titles
- Determining Compensation Plans for all Center job titles
- Planning, Implementing and Evaluating training programs for all Center job titles
- Creating Performance Evaluations for all Center job titles
- Direct involvement with Center Legal Counsel related to Employee Relations and Risk Management issues for all Center job titles

You report to both the Director of Hospital Administration (primary), and also the Director of Surgery & Medicine (when your work involves a medical professional) both of whom report directly to the Center Board of Directors and the CEO of the parent company, the Totenvolks Hospitals Alliance.

You should create a presentation to address the following problems as you would present to your supervisors.

Contact your instructor to confirm how many simulations are due for this course. You should expect your presentation(s) to take about 10 minutes each, and you must do your best to address all the issues in the situation(s) in the time allotted. The choice of visual aid is up to you and the discretion of your professor. You will be graded on:

- Addressing all the issues in the simulation: did you propose a reasonable solution for the problem(s)?
- Critical thinking: did you approach the issues from a Strategic HR perspective?
- Presentation Quality: did you create and deliver a professional presentation?
Contact your instructor to confirm how many points each presentation will be worth.

West Central Florida Medical Center - Because You Care, We Care

Proud Member of the Totenvolks Hospitals Alliance

I - Recruitment & Selection
Your Supervisor came to you with 2 separate projects related to Recruitment and Selection:
Sent: Monday, January 11, 4:30 PM
To: Student
Subject: Staffing Projects for you
You`ve already got your work cut out for you! I have two requests that I need you to get started on right away:
1st Priority - Create a proposal to Recruit, Select and Onboard a new plastic surgeon for our dermatology and skin-care division.

Your considerations should include:
- How to recruit candidates
- How to select the final candidate
- How to make the offer
- A realistic timeline for getting this done

2nd Priority - After numerous complaints over the years, we have ended our contract with Deli Cious, the Food Service Company that used to run our small snack bar/lounge for patients and employees. The old snack bar still exists, but now you will need to hire employees to run it. I have already hired someone from a partner location to be the full-time Food Service Manager. Now you`ll need to create a proposal to Recruit, Select and Onboard a new team of food service workers to help run the snack bar. We`ll need 3-4 Food Prep Workers, and 5-6 Cashiers, most of whom will probably be part time.

Your considerations should include:
- How to recruit candidates
- Determining how many will be needed and whether they are part time or full time based on
-a typical schedule for the week
- How to select the final candidates
- A realistic timeline for getting this done

A couple of things to know:

WCFMC is open 8am - 8pm 7 days a week, and food is served in the snack bar during these hours Any hires of medical employees must have the approval of the Director of Surgery and Medicine The snack bar serves mostly sandwiches, and pre-packaged and easy to prepare foods, so experienced cooks are not required for the food service jobs.
West Central Florida Medical Center - Because You Care, We Care
Proud Member of the Totenvolks Hospitals Alliance

II - Compensation
Sent: Monday, January 11, 4:30 PM
To: Student
Subject: Compensation Project
Okay, I`ve got a big project that needs the attention of HR.

Our Front Office Staff of the WCFMC have not had a raise in 3 years. This is mostly due to budgetary issues. Now I am concerned that there will be a turnover problem; administrative employees might get so disgruntled with the situation that they will start leaving in large numbers.

I`d like you to do some job evaluation to determine whether the front desk staff, including receptionists (who answer phones and emails, greet patients and schedule appointments) and billing coordinators (who take insurance and payments) are getting paid equitably with their peers at other medical centers, and if not, what to do about it.

A couple of things to know:
You should probably look online to see what typicStudent salaries and compensation are for receptionists and billing coordinators at our competitors. You should also consider the labor market, cost of living and other external influences on compensation Don`t forget to consider Non-Financial Compensation at WCFMC.there are things that we can offer that other medical centers may not Ultimately we are a business even though the Medical Center is not for profit. We might not be able to prevent people leaving, but we want to know where we stand in comparison.

Let me know if you have any questions! Hope you can have some information to share in our senior staff meeting next week.
Florence Nachtundvend
Director of Hospital Administration, WCFMC
West Central Florida Medical Center - Because You Care, We Care
Proud Member of the Totenvolks Hospitals Alliance

III - Training & Development
Your boss has Training-related job for you:
Sent: Monday, January 11, 4:30 PM
To: Student
Subject: Training Project
I`d like you to coordinate a very important training for a new group of 12 nursing assistants we hired just before you joined us. They are required by law to take a Bloodborne Pathogens training to work at our Center.

Could you create a training plan for this situation and be ready to present it to the senior staff next week? Of course they`ll want it to be interactive, and you can have as much as 1 full day (8 hours) to conduct the training, if you need it.
In your presentation, be sure to discuss:
- How you will plan, develop and design the training?
- How you will implement the training (time, methods, location, etc.)?
- How you will evaluate the training to demonstrate that it was effective and helped our new nursing assistants to follow safe guidelines?

A couple of things to know:

Feel free to get one or more of our senior nurses or doctors to teach the course; they`ll be able to cover all the topics that you need.however, they`ll need you to give them a specific schedule/plan. Since the training is already required by law, it would probably be best to evaluate this program on a Reaction and a Learning or Behavior level, probably not at a Results level.

Florence Nachtundvend
Director of Hospital Administration, WCFMC
West Central Florida Medical Center - Because You Care, We Care
Proud Member of the Totenvolks Hospitals Alliance

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