+44 7743 307695
Jan 21, 2025


Choose one of the following groups of words to create a story:

Group 1: football field, concession stand, trumpets, cheerleaders, coaches
Group 2: desk, scissors, sticky notes, computer, workers
Group 3: scrapbook, stickers, tape, tables, pictures

Story Requirements:

  1. Characters (20 Points):

    • Create at least two characters with names and distinct traits.
  2. Setting (15 Points):

    • Establish a clear and vivid setting for your story.
  3. Metaphors (10 Points):

    • Include at least two metaphors in your story.
  4. Word List (20 Points):

    • Use all the words from your chosen group in your story.
  5. Narrator and Point of View (15 Points):

    • Choose a narrator and identify the point of view (e.g., first-person, third-person limited, etc.).
  6. Grammar and Spelling (10 Points):

    • Ensure your story is free of grammar and spelling errors.
  7. Creativity (10 Points):

    • Write an engaging and imaginative story.
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