+44 7743 307695
Dec 13, 2023

Presenting Problem:

A case manager and you are going to create a Social History for your client.

The client Samatha, age 34, an African American woman, is coming to you because she or he has been in a D/V relationship with their partner for 3 years. They have lived together for the past three years. They are not married. They are coming to you as in intake D/V worker and is seeking to leaving the D/V relationship.

Your client said s/he has grown up in a family in which they saw their dad hit their mom throughout their childhood. Dad would also hit the children when he felt they were disrespectful, talked back to him, or just hit the children when he was drunk. Your client reports their father used to drink every Friday night and would come home and beat everyone up. You client never told anyone because she was fearful, as if she told she would get beat again or no one would believe her. Your client`s mother never really protected the children from the abuse because she was a product of D/V as well and didn`t know how to protect her children. Your client says they grew up poor and didn`t have a lot of resources, so childhood was hard. In addition, to a lack of resources, your client said he and his sister relied a lot on their Aunt and Grandparents as a support system. The Aunt and Grandparents knew about the abuse but were powerless to stop it as they didn`t want the mother to lose custody but spoke to her about the abuse in the home. No family members ever went to college. The mother of your client has been in and out of D/V relationship throughout her life and reports that she was in these relationships because she grew up seeing D/V herself.

Your client says s/he has been in 3 marriages. All the previous marriages were D/V. S/he claims that D/V men just seem to gravitate toward her. His/her first marriage dealt with having children at an early age and getting married while still in High School. She talked about dating other men, but it never seemed to work out. Her second marriage was to a person they didn`t know him that well and when they started to be emotionally and physically abusive s/he left him. The 3rd marriage, and her partner was good to her in the beginning, but even before the marriage she noticed he was sort of violence, i.e., call him/her names, putting her down, but there was not smacking around until after the marriage. She states she hasn`t had a good relationship with anyone except her relationship with her kids.

Currently your client is now dating and lives with her 4th partner but it is thinking of leaving this relationship. However, you client can`t live on their own because they can`t afford it. The current rent is $1500 where she lives with her boyfriend. Your client is also concerned because she has 2 kids and don`t want to remove them from their school and can`t afford her children without help of her boyfriend. The partner makes $30,000 a year in the military and your colleague make $25,000 a year. They live in a lower-class neighborhood. They also have a dog, max, in which the dog is also being abused by your colleague`s partner. The dog is kicked, punched, and slapped and used a weapon to keep the children in line as your client`s partner says that if they misbehavior, the dog will be killed.

Your client is a high school dropout but worked 40 hours a week making $9 an hour selling medical supplies. The children are in the 9th and 10th grade. They are doing ok in school. One child is getting good grades but is not popular in school, while the other children is a slow learner. Education is important but the Partner feels the kids should focus more on working now and less on school. You client believes this is ok and doesn`t feel the children don`t need to go to college. The children want to go to college but don`t feel supported and they don`t have money for college.

You client was not in the military, but your client`s partner is a sergeant in the military and expects your partner to `fall in line` and listen to her. He treats the children as if he is a drill sergeant and expect conformity to everything, he feels is right. If D/V is called in he will lose his job in the military. Your client grew up in a family in which several members of their extended family went to into the military.

Your client has worked all her life, but due to a lack of education, she never made much money. She has worked in the same job for 10 years but doesn`t get raises due to the lack of funds in the company and hasn`t gotten a promotion because of a lack of educational requirements. Her employee evaluation noted concerns about her drinking on the job, attitude problems at work, work related injuries, and coming into work late.

You colleague has 2 bad knees which is affecting his/her ability to work even though she is working full-time. Your client`s partner has a history of Substance abuse and Violence and has been diagnoses as having prior Anger Management Issues. The one child is learning disabled. Both children are suffering from PTSD due to the abuse in the home. One child has contemplated suicide due to the abuse in the home. The children have had bruises on their bodies due to the abuse in the past. Your colleague has had several broken ribs and bruises in the past due to the Domestic Violence but never called the police on her current partner.

Your client has no legal issue. However, your client`s partner has been in jail before for Assault issues before and disorderly conduct when he was drinking. The children have no legal issues, but the boy is acting out because of the abuse in the home and has several detentions from the school and her daughter is said to be sleeping with different guys, sometimes without condoms.

Your colleague says she like to play Bingo in their down time along with going out drinking with her partner sometimes. The boy is involved in sports at their school. The girl is a generally good pupil in school and enjoys math, geography, and civics. The boy struggles in school and focuses on playing sports. He grades average a D. She grades average a B.

The client`s partner just like to drink at bars as their social activities. No one in the family goes to Church, but your partner says they and their families are Christians and believe in Jesus and celebrate Christmas.

You client`s strengths are that they are a hard worker and have worked all their lives. Your client said she loves their children. Your client has a supportive family, but the supportive family is getting tired of all the abuse in the home and is starting to put pressure on your client to leave the situation. The client wants to do better for their children but doesn`t know how to. Your client is willing to do whatever it takes to either make the relationship better or do what is best to help his/her children.

List and explain the following categories for the client

Family of Origin

Marriages and Significant Relationships

Current Living Arrangements

Military Service

Employment History

Medical History

Legal History

Social and Recreational Interests

Religious Activities

Client Successes, Strengths, and Resources

Impression and Recommendations

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