Unit Title :- Cross Cultural Management
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Assessment Brief
The Summative Assessment consists of a three-part blog of 2,500 words in total.
1. Part 1 – Improved version of the formative [800 words]. This is based on the content of classes in Weeks 1-3
2. Part 2 – Based on weeks 4-7 [800 words]
3. Part 3 – The third part, based on weeks 8-10
Cross Cultural Management Assignment – UK
Part 1
A reflective blog.
This is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply theory to your own lived experience to enhance your experience and learn from it.
This is a 800 word blog entry where you apply some theory to your own experience.
You should reflect on an incident in your own experience where a knowledge of some cultural theory would have helped you to understand what was happening at the time.
Formative Assessment – you will submit a draft of the first part of your blog for your
tutor’s feedback. It will be submitted by week 6 and marked and returned to students
by week 7. It will not be given a mark but will be given feedback. It will then be re submitted with part 2 incorporating amendments following your tutor’s suggestions.
Tutor feedback will be given during the Week 7 seminar.
While your tutor is speaking to other students you will be working with two others of your fellow students to give each other peer feedback which must be written down in 3 sentences and explained orally.
Part 2
A research blog. This gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your competence in finding reliable sources of information on a specific topic.
This is a 800 word blog where you will demonstrate your ability to research a topic in cross cultural management.
Imagine that you have been asked to write an essay on a topic of your own choosing in a subject area recently covered in class. You should devise a topic for research in an area covered in Weeks 4 – 7.
Begin by stating precisely what your topic is.
Briefly explain how you would find articles on your topic and how you evaluated these in terms of reliability. Include a table of search terms and where you used them.
Include a bibliography of the 12 most useful items you have found – this will not be included in the word count.
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