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Jan 20, 2024

Assignment Task

Deco Area

In this scene, user go inside the furniture store from outside the store.

A. First person character

B. The furniture store building

Sofa Area

In this scene, user go to sofa area and check out the sofa.

A. First person character

B. The sofa area signboard

C. The sofa that can test sitting

D. Description and detail about sofa

Table Area

In this scene, user go to bed area and check out the bed.

A . First person character

B. The bed area signboard

C. The bed that can test sitting

D. Description and detail about bed

Bed Area

In this scene, user go to shelf area and can check out the shelf.

A. First person character

B. The shelf area signboard

C. The shelf that can test put the book in and out

D. Description and detail about shelf

Shelf Area

In this scene, user go to closet area and can check out the closet.

A. First person character

B. The closet area signboard

C. The closet that can test open and close the closet door

D. Description and detail about closet

Closet Area

In this scene, user go to the counter and tell the cashier what he need and pay for it.

A. First person character

B. The TV display the promotion price

C. NPC as the cashier.

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