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Dec 04, 2023

The websites need to be researched of the interest groups representing abortion. The interest groups researched must be from the United States. 1) Use MLA formatting while writing your paper. 1-inch margins throughout 2) Introduction that states the purpose of the paper and an overview of what it is about. 3) Detailed responses to the questions. This will mean you’ll have to find outside research to help answer the questions. Reputable sources means good, solid academic sources. 4) Conclusion to summarize the paper. 5) Include a reference page. 6) Include at least 4 references (one for each website of the interest groups your are researching, at least one to describe the issue, and at least one to describe what an interest group does).

In the paper, answer or at least summarize each of the following:

1. Define what an interest group is. (Interest groups definition in the text book is “an organized group of people or institutions that uses various forms of advocacy to influence public policy.”)

2. How are interest groups similar to social movements? How are they different? How could you best characterize the differences between the two? (no more than two paragraphs should be devoted to this section)

3. Summarize the information you find in the websites of the interest groups you selected to research. What information/messaging does each interest group provide about the issues they are representing?

4. How do the interest groups you are researching embed themselves into politics? Do they endorse candidates? Do they provide campaign funds? Do they write legislation? Be specific about the information found in the websites.

5. What do the interest groups say in their websites about the organizations that oppose their views?

6. What incentives do these interest groups offer people? Are they trying to recruit people to join their interest groups? Do they ask for donations? What do the websites show regarding what is being asked in this question? Be specific when providing this information.


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