+44 7743 307695
Sep 19, 2023


Level: 6, Unit Credits: 40

The module aims to introduce and develop the skills needed to conceptualise a problem, make use of available literature, design a research strategy, evaluate, organise, and integrate relevant data (both existing and new), derive useful solutions based on knowledge, and communicate those solutions to clients and colleagues.

Learning Outcome 1: Independently undertake the necessary research and identify, evaluate, design, and critically consider for implementation a viable business proposal project which is supported by a full business plan taken/developed to pre-launch stage

Learning Outcome 2: Undertake the necessary research and identify, evaluate, design and critically consider for implementation a viable business proposal project which is supported by a full business plan taken to pre-launch stage

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate a critical understanding and comprehension of the relationship between theory and practice and of the application and synthesis of theory into practice particularly related to the formulation of business projects and planning requirements.

Learning Outcome 4: Apply research skills, critical thinking skills, and critical interpretive and comprehension skills to business, management, organisational or related fields of enquiry and form conclusions and make recommendations on the basis of this activity which are particularly y related to the development of a Business Project and Business plan.

The indicative content of the module includes:-

• Problem identification and research question/hypothesis generation
• Research design and planning research in an ethical manner (protection of human subjects)
• Strategies to enhance the validity of qualitative and quantitative designs
• Descriptive statistics and graphical presentations
• Measurement issues including reliability and validity
• Specific research topic identified by the student and confirmed and agreed with Supervisory staff team and with the agreement of the Research Methodologies tutor

Business Project Assessment

The Business Project
Literature Review
Analysis of the Business Model
Evaluation of the Business Plan
Presentation and Structure of the Project

1. Introduction

To include a rationale/purpose for the dissertation, underlying themes, assessment of feasibility, challenging/new/unusual topic, clear aim and objectives.

2. Review of Literature

To include evidence of breadth, currency & relevance of reading, theoretical & conceptual models, demonstration of knowledge & comprehension of topic, summary of principal issues.

3. Research Methodology

To include the critical justification and adequate description of the application of an appropriate research methodology (e.g. the research strategy, data collection methods, research process, the sample selected for study and the methods of data analysis) and research limitations.

4. Analysis of Results

To include clear identification and evaluation of the relationship of the findings to the objectives & the literature, appropriate analytical methods, inferences from findings.

5. Conclusions/Recommendations (15%)

To include synthesis of themes, logical conclusions, critical and analytical aspects, consideration of the specified objectives, limitations of research, relevant recommendations and potential application to business environment.

6. Presentation and Structure of the Dissertation (10%)

To include style, fluency, clarity, organisation, word limit, grammar, spelling, adherence to academic convention, referencing (including bibliography).

Business Project Assessment Form

1. Introduction

To include a rationale of the business proposal, an assessment of the market potential, the chosen scenario and clear aim and objectives of the study.

2. The Business Concept

To include a clear discussion of the business concept including the product/service offering and the target market selected. In addition, coverage of the positioning strategy and the window of opportunity in relation to the business idea.

3. Review of Literature

To include evidence of breadth, currency & relevance of research related to the industry. Application of theoretical& conceptual models in relation to the business project.

4. Methodology

To include the critical justification and adequate description of the application of an appropriate research methodology (e.g. the research design, data collection methods, research process, the sample selected for study and the methods of data analysis) and an assessment of the product; organisation and financial feasibility related to the business project.

5. Analysis of the business model

To include critical analysis of the business model proposed for the implementation of the business project. Application of academic models/tools in the analysis of an appropriate business model.

6. Evaluation of the business plan

To include an overall assessment and presentation of the business plan including an assessment of its viability in relation to the data presented and analysed in the previous chapter.

Suggested Structure

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Literature review

Chapter 3 Methodology

Chapter 4 Data analysis and findings

Chapter 5 Conclusion

Attachment:- Dissertation.rar

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