1) Connect the historical evolution of social welfare policies to contemporary issues of society, 2) Explain and define policies as they relate to the issue you are analyzing,
3) Provide policy-oriented solutions affecting the population you are analyzing.
If a student is interested in writing a policy research paper (analysis) on the topics not listed here, he/she must consult the instructor. The analysis paper should be typed and double-spaced. The paper should include a cover page, an abstract, page numbers, and 10 pages, excluding cover pages. The instructor will evaluate papers based on first, mechanics: grammar, format, appearance, and inclusion of all required elements cited above. Second, paper evaluation will base on course material integration: citation of appropriate and credible sources, use of illustrations, corroboration with course materials, and application of social work values.
Third, content evaluation: clarity of thought, relevance of paper’s topic and analysis to the course’s policy orientation, logic of presentation, such as exploration of various relevant sources and their dates to support the student’s analysis. You must use the APA citation style in your paper (APA, 2019). You should read at least 10 credible sources to develop an appropriately researched and written paper. Proofread your paper before uploading on blackboard for grading. Do not plagiarize. Use SMARTHINKING (https://libguides.nsu.edu/Basic_Library_Instruction/Online_Tutoring if possible and/or the university online tutoring services for review. A rubric for this assignment will be available on blackboard.
You should organize your paper using the following headings:
Historical Relevance and Social Welfare Policies
Interpretation of Such Policies
Criticisms and Critical Debate
Implications for Micro, Mezzo and Macro Practice
Implications for a Social Work Professional Identity
Below are several topics you can consider for your policy research paper. However, you are not limited to these suggestions:
Affirmative Action of 1968
General assistance programs
Marriage programs of PRWORA
Temporary Assistance to the Needy Families (TANF)
Substance abuse
Corrections and policies Domestic violence
Poverty and social welfare policy
Teenage pregnancy-policy Medicaid or Medicare Universal Healthcare Civil Rights Act of 1964 Housing
Institutionalized racism
The Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
Social Security
Child welfare (protective services, foster care, adoption)
Mental health and social welfare policy Economic systems impacting social welfare Violence in communities –policy and prevention Community development/institution building Ryan White HIV/AIDS Modernization Act of 2006