+44 7743 307695
Apr 22, 2024


1.1, 2.1

Describe the main purpose and principles of relevant legislation and codes of practice relating to mental capacity.

Summarise your role and responsibilities in relation to relevant principles, legislation and codes of practice and upholding individuals’ rights.  (See below guidance)

1.2, 1.3

Outline the interaction between the principles of relevant legislation and codes of practice and identify how the principles of legislation and codes of practice empower individuals to maintain autonomy.


Describe factors that influence an individual’s mental capacity and ability to express consent. (See below guidance)


Describe the relationship between an individual’s mental capacity, consent, choice, and safety


Define the term ‘valid consent’  (see below guidance)


Explain why it is important to establish an individual’s consent when providing care and support.


Explain how your personal values and attitudes can influence your perceptions of situations and of individuals’ capacity.


Describe the strategies and skills that can be used to maximise individuals’ capacity to make decisions. (See below guidance) 


Summarise your role in identifying when an assessment of capacity may be required.


Describe steps to take if consent cannot be readily established and your role in this process. (See below guidance) 

3.1, 3.2

Define the term ‘restrictive practice’ and give 4 examples of restrictive practice in care settings.  (See below guidance)


Explain the importance and impact of seeking the least restrictive option for individuals. 


Explain how to raise concerns when restrictions appear out of proportion with evident risk.

3.5, 3.6

Outline your workplace policies and procedures in relation to restrictive practices and summarise your role in implementing these.

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