+44 7743 307695
Oct 27, 2023

Question 1. Describe two positive conversations you have had with two different families and their children about how their child is working towards Learning Outcomes. Explain when you had the conversations, what the discussion was about and what action you and the family and/or the child decided on.

Question 2.Give three examples how you value all children in your care and support them to fully participate in your program.

Question 3.Give two examples how you role model being inclusive;
Give two examples how you use pro-active communication (e.g. sharing strategies) to encourage others to be inclusive
Your examples for this question have to relate to verbal interactions with other educators, children and/or families

Question 4.Give one example each of a time when you promoted inclusion by:
provoking children`s thinking (e.g. during group time discussion);
giving examples to encourage inclusivity (e.g., when you had to intervene during a fight)
5.Describe conversations you have had with families, children, and other educators to challenge bias. Explain when you had the conversations, what the discussion was about, and what the outcome of the conversation was/ the action you and the other party decided on.

Question 6.Give three examples of situations when you have seen a respect for diversity. In your examples describe what happened, what behaviours you saw, and how these examples demonstrate respect for diversity.

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