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Apr 27, 2023
  1. Developing, Planning & Designing Learning Environment

    Core Assignments

    Answer any 2 questions. Please read the course content very carefully before you attempt to answer. Each of your answers should be approximately 400 words and must be in your own words. Plagiarized answers are not acceptable. Please read the Plagiarism rules followed by EBC carefully. All questions carry equal weightage.

    1. What do you understand by curriculum? How can you distinguish curriculum from instruction?
    2. Give a comparative study of 20th century education with 21st century education.
    3. What according to you should be the characteristics of a teacher in an urban school in Asia teaching primary learners aged 7 – 8 years?
    4. As a 21st century educator how can you incorporate technology in your classroom/lessons? Give suitable examples.


    Digital Literacy – 21st Century Classroom


    Answer any 2 questions. Please read the course content very carefully before you attempt to answer. Each of your answers should be approximately 400 words and must be in your own words. Plagiarized answers are not acceptable. Please read the plagiarism rules carefully before submitting the assignment. All questions carry equal weightage.

    1. “An effective 21st century teacher will be able to integrate technology in the classroom to truly inspire and advance student learning.” Justify the statement by explaining technical knowledge, a new-age global educator should possess.
    2. Technology can make a difference to the teaching-learning process. Elucidate the statement by citing appropriate examples.
    3. With an emphasis on online education, selecting the right m-learning app is crucial. As a 21st century Educator, how would you assess and select the right mlearning app?
    4. How would you create a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to engage your students in a more holistic and interactive learning process


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