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May 12, 2023
It’s a research paper that has to answer a question or make an argument about a semi current contemporary issue in aviation. It needs 8 pages of actual writing, along with a title page, an abstract, and a bibliography all in apa format. It needs the headers and the page numbers too. If it could be done in a word document that would be awesome. Thank you so much 

<p>THIS PAPER NEEDS TO BE RE-WRIITEN AS A Chicago style (not MLA)Chicago style (not MLA). THE DOCUMENT NEEDS TO HAVE A GREAT TRANSITION WITHIN PARAGRAPHS BETTER FLOW. WOULD LIKE IT TO FOCUS A LITTLE MORE ON A SPECIFIC TOPIC LEADER: LIKE CESAR CHAVEZ, DOLORES HUERTA AND THEIR MOVEMENTS. USE THE SOURCES PROVIDED.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Length: 10-15 pages, typed and double spaced<br />Citations: Should be footnoted in Chicago style (not MLA)<br />This research paper will be a detailed analysis of a particular topic in relation to an American social movement*. This can be a person, an event, an ideology or set of ideas, a method or strategy, or other such topic of significance. You will need to focus your research on a narrower topic, rather than an overview of a particular social movement. The argument of your essay should address a question of historical significance, and should be based on an examination of both primary and secondary sources.<br />As a first step, you might start with a social movement and then narrow your topic down to a particular significant individual, event or idea. Or you might start with a specific topic (the Anti-Saloon League, the Stonewall riot, Angela Davis, sit-ins) and then work to establish connections between that topic and the larger social movement in question.<br />Your essay should be in the form of an analysis/argument: the temperance movement was effective because&hellip;.; Alice Paul embodied a more radical element within the women&rsquo;s suffrage movement because&hellip;.. You should support your argument with specific evidence and examples. Your analysis should be grounded in an examination of both primary and secondary sources. While the majority of your research will involve secondary material, you should include primary resources as well. Your essay should include a discussion of the larger historical experience of the social movement to which you refer. This should not be an extended narrative of every aspect of the movement&rsquo;s history, but should instead focus on the most relevant aspects of the historical experience in question. That is, if discussing King&rsquo;s approach to nonviolence, this aspect of the discussion should focus on its place within the larger strategies of the civil rights movement.</p><p>Guide to Citing Sources<br />First Reference: The first time you refer to a book in a footnote, list all of the following information:<br />Author&rsquo;s full name followed by a comma<br />Book title in full, underlined or italicized<br />Publication information (enclosed in parentheses and followed by a comma): place of publication followed by a colon; name of publisher followed by a comma and the date of publication<br />Page number(s) cited followed by a period<br />FOR EXAMPLE:<br />Clayborne Carson, In Struggle: SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1995), 124.<br />Second Reference For a second (or third, etc.) reference to the same book, you need include only the author&rsquo;s last name and the page number.<br />FOR EXAMPLE:<br />Carson, 136.<br />However, if you refer in your notes to another book by the same author, then your second and subsequent references to both titles require the inclusion of a short title in your footnote or endnote so that the reader will know which of the two books you are citing.<br />FOR EXAMPLE:<br />Carson, In Struggle, 36<br />Carson, Malcolm X, 111</p>

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