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Apr 17, 2024

Discuss in relation to the academic, professional, and personal goals.This engagement assignment will familiarize you with our department’s program learning objectives (PLOs). The major covers three areas, Foundations, Inquiry, and Practice, in which you will work towards various program learning outcomes. Please review all PLOs. You may view descriiptions of our three areas and PLOs below:

Foundations are theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding and evaluating communication.

PLO #1 – Understanding Communication Theories: Demonstrate an understanding of at least one major theory in the field of communication.

Inquiry is research methods that generate and evaluate new knowledge about communication.

PLO #2 – Research Methods: Demonstrate an understanding of methods of communication research and analysis such as rhetorical, critical, interpretive, performative and social scientific approaches and their ethical implications.

PLO #3 – Research Application and Critique: Develop and apply analytical skills and ethical practices for understanding, conducting, and evaluating communication research studies.

Practice is the use of communication skills and the application of theoretical frameworks and research methods in specific contexts.

PLO #4 – Communication Competence: Demonstrate the ability to communicate competently and in a theoretically informed manner in a variety of contexts.

PLO #5 – Social Responsibility: Demonstrate social responsibility, ethical awareness, and community engagement.

There are 3 steps for this engagement. Read over all the steps before beginning this assignment.

Step 1. Research each course related to the three areas, Foundations, Inquiry, and Practice (FIP). Reflect on the degree to which each course is represented in the PLOs for each area. You may review our Foundations, Inquiry, and Practice course listings on our Major Plan Worksheet (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.. I have also created a sample FIP syllabus (Sample FIP Syllabi updated 1 2018 (1).pdf)Actions to help you learn more about the FIP courses offered in the department.

Step 2. This step will take the most time to complete. You will locate 5 different FIP courses that best represents your academic, personal, and professional goals for each PLO (professional goals: work for as social media company; Personal goals: save money to buy a house; academic goals; build strong network, time management) . You should choose one Foundations course for PLO 1, two different Inquiry courses for PLO 2 & 3, and two different Practice courses for PLO 4 & 5. Here is an example of course combinations you may choose to discuss in relation to the academic, professional, and personal goals.

COMM 160F for PLO1
COMM 123I for PLO 2
COMM 152I for PLO 3
COMM 120P for PLO 4
COMM 148P for PLO 5
This is just an example of pairings between our Foundations, Inquiry, and Practice courses. You may choose any other FIP courses to discuss as long as you discuss one Foundations course for PLO 1, two different Inquiry courses for PLO 2 & 3, and two different Practice courses for PLO 4 & 5.

I recommend you review the sample FIP syllabi (Sample FIP Syllabi updated 1 2018 (1).pdf)Actions , ask about the courses on our COMM social media sites, and talk with your classmates or COMM faculty members. The Comm Center is a great place to meet other comm majors and many of the tutors have taken many of our FIP courses. This extra effort in research will help you decide if a course you have selected best represents your academic, personal, and professional goals. *You should follow polite and professional email etiquette when communicating and inquiring about course information and requesting appointments with your fellow students, COMM advisors, and COMM faculty. You should not cite the sample FIP syllabus in-text or in your reference list as it is not an official publication from our department. You should simply refer to it as sample syllabi in your paper. All other references should be in APA format.

Step 3. You will write a 4-page essay on what you experienced and learned. Organize your essay into two sections: 3-page summary and 1-page reflection. In your summary, you will make specific connections between the department’s PLOs, five courses, and your academic, personal, and professional goals. In your reflection, you will discuss your academic ambitions, concerns, and goals supported by the courses and PLOs discussed in your summary.

Reminder: All assignments should follow the Assignment Format guidelines in the course syllabus. All in-text citations and references should follow APA format. You should use quotes sparingly and incorporate page numbers when paraphrasing or quoting from any reading. You should include paragraph numbers when paraphrasing or quoting from web-pages.

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