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Apr 27, 2023 References should not be less than seven diverse references Guidelines for Writing, Noting and Referencing 1. Format A4, typed 1.5 line spaced, body letter size 12 font (footnote 10), Times New Roman Margins: Top, left, right 2.5 cm, bottom 3 cm Indent at the beginning of each paragraph Page numbered at the bottom centre Tables and Figures to be numbered and captioned accordingly 2. Noting(Citation) and Referencing (single-spaced) Citations 1. Endnote 2. Footnote 3. In-text Citation (Note) Bibliography (Reference): A list of references cited should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ surname. Any consistent use of a referencing format is accepted while the Chicago or Harvard style is advised (see below; titles can be either underlined or in italics). Books (Footnote) Amartry Sen, Development as Freedom (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), 28. (Footnote Reference or Bibliography) Sen, Amartry. Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. (In-text citation): (Sen 2008, 28). or (Sen, 2008: 28). (In-text citation Reference or Bibliography) Sen, Amartry. 2008. Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Periodicals (Articles) (Footnote) Hall Doucouliagos and Michael Paldam, “The Aid Effectiveness Literature,” Journal of Economic Survey 23(3) (Spring 2007): 433-34. (Footnote Reference or Bibliography) Doucouliagos, Hall and Paldam, Michael. “The Aid Effectiveness Literature.” Journal of Economic Survey 23(3) (Spring 2007): 433-61. (In-text citation): (Doucouliagos and Paldam 2007, 433-34). or (Doucouliagos and Paldam, 2007: 433-34). (In-text citation Reference or Bibliography) Doucouliagos, Hall and Paldam, Michael. 2007. “The Aid Effectiveness Literature.” Journal of Economic Survey 23(3): 433-61. Book chapters (in Edited Books) (Footnote) Rice Estes, “Social Development Trends in Asia” in Samuel MacPherson and H. K. Wong (eds.) Social Development and Societies (England: Ashgate Publishing, 2007), 132-33. (Footnote Reference or Bibliography) Estes, Rice. “Social Development Tends in Asia” in Samuel MacPherson and H. K. Wong (eds.) Social Development and Societies. England: Ashgate Publishing, 2007, 132-67. (In-text citation): (Estes 2007, 132-33). or (Estes, 2007: 132-33). (In-text citation Reference or Bibliography) Estes, Rice. 2007. “Social Development Tends in Asia” in Samuel MacPherson and H. K. Wong (eds.) Social Development and Societies. England: Ashgate Publishing: 132-67. Internet Source: If there is no author name, no need to mention it. (Footnote) Jeongmin Seo, “Korea’s Dream,” Korea Times (August 14, 2020), (Accessed January 13, 2022). (Reference) Seo, Jeongmin. “Korea’s Dream.” Korea Times (August 14, 2020). (Accessed January 13, 2022). (In-text citation): (Seo 2020). (In-text citation Reference or Bibliography): Seo, Jeongmin. 2020. “Korea’s Dream.” Korea Times. August 14. (Accessed January 13, 2022). References Books Korean English Arabic Articles Korean English Arabic
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