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Mar 26, 2024

Early in the course, please select one of the following books or films for this assignment: (Please note that stories of violence often contain strong language and imagery. As a clinician with a Christian Worldview, you will be presented with these types of stories, and must consider how to be aid a victim or perpetrator from “where they are.”)


Awful Normal (2004)

Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008)

Telling Amy’s Story (2010)


Dobash, R. & Dobash, R. (2015). When men murder women. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lefkowitz, B. (1997). Our guys: The Glen Ridge rape and the secret life of a perfect suburb. Berkley: University of California Press.

Pelzer, D. J. (1995). A child called “it”: One child’s courage to survive. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications.

Sebold, A. (1999). Lucky. New York: Picador.

Websdale, N. (2010). Familicidal hearts: The emotional styles of 211 killers. New York: Oxford University Press.

Instructions: After reading the book or watching the film, please address the questions below:

1) Write a brief synopsis of the case(s) that were reported in the book or movie. Provide a frame for addressing the remaining topics. (Approximately ½ to 1 page).

2) Identify the specific forms of child abuse, domestic violence or elderly abuse that were illustrated in the book or movie. Define and explain whether the behavior met the definition of each type of abuse and whether it was reportable to any authority e.g. Child Protective Services, police etc. (Approximately 1 page).

3) Suggest what historical, social, or political factors influenced the recognition of this kind of abuse. These factors may have occurred after the setting of the book or movie. Present clearly the time perspective. Include citations. (Approximately 1 page).

4) Discuss the precursors, correlates or causal factors that you consider to be associated with or contributed to the abuse and the relevant theories that help explain this type of abuse. If you have insufficient information on the family, suggest the kind of information you would gather that would address this question. Cite sources that support your assertions. (Approximately 1 page).

5) Discuss the effects of the violence on the victim(s) and the victim’s response and accommodation to the abuse. Refer to specific examples.

6) Discuss the family dynamics, cultural and social factors that contributed to keeping the abuse hidden from the scrutiny of the justice system and/or the community.

7) Discuss the response of different parts of the justice system to each type of violence described (i.e. the actions of police, district attorneys, judges, defense attorneys, child advocates). If there was not justice system response, what hindered the response? What should the response have been? What were the conditions at the time of the story? How have they changed and what would the response be today based on current response systems? How effective were the actions of the justice system? What could have been done differently? (Approximately 1 page).

8) What types of legal and community interventions and services are available today that may have helped this family address and eliminate the abuse? (Approximately 1 page).

9) Discuss past and present attitudes and/or cultural beliefs that have inhibited reporting and intervention in this form of violence. Discuss personal beliefs that may affect your own acknowledgement of this violence or abuse.

The written assignment’s length will be a minimum of 3,000 words, approximately seven pages, not to exceed nine pages, double-spaced, 12- point font. It should address each of the items (1-9) below in essay form. Include definitions, concepts, and theories that support your assertions and at least three academic references, one of which can be the required text. This paper should be in proper APA format. Assessment Method: Students will be assessed using the Book or Film Grading Rubric. The written assignment will be evaluated for grammar, clarity, conciseness, coherence, and proper citations within the text and reference page APA format. (Learning Objective H).

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