+44 7743 307695
Jun 05, 2023
students will be asked to write a brief literature review of attachment to God (at least 8-10 scholarly sources). Additionally, students will be asked to take an attachment to God assessment (either AGI or AGS) and explain why they chose one or the other. Students must cite both the Rowatt & Kirkpatrick (2008) or Beck & McDonald (2004) article. Students will also take the ECR-S assessment. Students will write about their initial interpretation of both the results of an attachment to God assessment as well as the ECR-S and write about where they think they are in their relationship with God and others. Be specific about attachment styles and what they represent. Lastly, students will answer the following questions after summarizing attachment to God, taking the assessment, and interpreting their results: Do you see a pathway towards healing/growth/development? How will you embark in spiritual formation towards yourself (theological reflection) How are you engaging others in spiritual formation? How do you see psychology & spiritual formation interfacing? See rubric for more details (tip: use the categories in the rubric for your APA level headings)
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