Part 1 Think Deeper
a. Define wellness.
b. Describe how nutrition, health and safety are interconnected to wellness.
c. Describe the role of the educator in promoting wellness.
d. List current issues and trends that impact children’s health. (Page 4)
2. Children need shelter, food, and love to be happy and healthy. A child ‘s wellbeing is also affected by their personality, their family and community. Larger systemic trends also have a direct impact on wellbeing. Describe factors that influence children’s wellness. (Page 11)
a. According to Sorte et al educators “must be advocates for addressing negative influences on children’s development and promoters for supporting children’s wellness.”
4. Scaffolding refers to breaking up new concepts into smaller manageable chunks so that the concept can be learned more easily. By scaffolding, educators can improve the likeliness that children will grasp new concepts and retain what they have learned. Analyze Figure 1.7- Steps in Scaffolding Learning and complete the table below. (Page 23) (Primary Program- Page 46)
5. An effective curriculum meets the needs of each child attending the childcare facility.
a. Why is it important to plan developmentally appropriate curriculum? (Page 19)
b. Should a child’s unique needs be considered when developing curriculum? Why?
c. Should the child’s stage of development be considered when developing curriculum? Why?
d. Should the child’s learning style be considered when developing curriculum? Why?
6. Early childhood is a critical time in human development. Understanding and supporting children`s wellness early on can make the greatest impact on physical, social, and emotional, and cognitive health throughout childhood and adulthood. What should an educator include when designing a Wellness Curriculum? Familiarize yourself with the wellness messages listed in Figure 1-8. (Page 23)
7. Educators require appropriate resources to provide quality programming to the children in their care. Describe different resources available to educators in the table below. (Page 27)
Part 2 Connect and Reflect
Family and community involvement is necessary to creating and sustaining culturally relevant and academically stimulating curriculum. (Page 37)
a. Describe ways to collaborate with caregivers and community members in designing curriculum.
b. Could information about service philosophy, policies and procedures be shared with stakeholders to encourage meaningful participation in curriculum development? How?
c. Should curriculum be adapted in response to expressed family needs? Why?
d. Should childcare staff respond promptly to family input and feedback? Why?
e. Should educators encourage families to observe, visit and participate in the childcare program? Why?
9. Reinforcing wellness concepts at home is a natural extension of the classroom. Describe ways to encourage families to reinforce the concept of wellness in their home. (Page 31)
10. Complete Figure 1-14 (Page 32) of the Self-Inventory for Wellness Practices.
a. Are you a healthful role model? Why or why not?
b. What can you do to improve your health?
c. Are you open to growth and change?
d. Do you care for yourself? Why or why not?
e. What are your personal values around wellness?
11. Over the past few decades, children, their experiences, upbringings, and backgrounds have changed. Classrooms now reflect families of varying races, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. As a result, the way teachers educate children must change.
a. Describe the cultural diversity/composition and socio-economic characteristics of the community in which you will most likely work.
b. What aspects of each culture/tradition would you include when teaching children about nutrition, health, and safety wellness?
c. What other community services, resources and supports are available in this community?
d. Describe the structure and needs of families in this community.
e. Describe the significant changes and development plans in this community.
Part 3 Theory into Practice
13. Hashim arrives to the centre each day with a variety of medical challenges including sneezing, a raised, itchy, red rash (hives) and swollen lips, tongue, eyes, or face. At times, he complains of tummy pain, and feeling sick. He has also vomited and had diarrhea.
a. What do you suspect is happening for Hashim?
b. What would you say to Hashim’s parents?
c. What would you remember to say or do when speaking with Hashim’s parents? (Page 38)
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