+44 7743 307695
Mar 30, 2023

Aims :-
This module aims to continue to develop the student as a researcher within the field of Childhood and Youth. It will provide an opportunity to integrate concepts knowledge theories and skills taught within the programme. It aims to develop a critical understanding of research methods and methodology relevant to childhood & youth and support for students in undertaking and presenting an in-depth piece of research working independently and with a supervisor.
ED6105 Early Childhood Research Assignment – UK

Introduction to the Module
Essentially research is concerned with investigating an issue or question using what we know already about a subject area the literature including books and journal articles current guidance on practice (e.g. policy and curricula) and practice first hand or empirical research. In order for research to have integrity it should be structured organised and ethical. Some authors describe it as a process of enquiry that gathers information (data) which we then critically interpret and analyse to develop our knowledge and under standing of a subject or topic. Within this context this early childhood research module will provide
you with an opportunity to engage with and implement a research design to investigate a topic which is of professional interest to you.

You will be guided through this exciting opportunity to engage in the process of discovery and deepening understanding of a topic by your module tutors and research supervisor.However this module also requires a significant and independent effort by individual students throughout the module.

Module Content
This module is the culmination of research within the programme. Within an empirical context the position of research in terms of quantitative and qualitative perspectives is justified as is the adoption of particular methods of data collection in response to identified research questions. Ethical issues within research are analysed, as are techniques of data analysis and presentation.  The application of theory is a key feature of the module which incorporates essential features of conducting a literature review.  In addition the extent to which findings apply in professional contexts is examined.

Students are expected to attend all timetabled sessions, organised visits and placements.
The University uses an electronic attendance reporting and support system.
This is to support students in terms of improving engagement and achievement. It is designed to be supportive in nature.

Assessment of ED6105
The assessment for module ED6105 is a compulsory part of this module.The assignment is composed of one component outlined below. Strict penalties are applied where work is submitted late and this may result in a fail grade in the module. Failure to submit work for assessment will result in the failure of the module.

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