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Oct 26, 2023



Parenting styles and their effects on child development have been subjects of great interest and research in the field of psychology (Darling, C. N., & Steinberg, L., 2018; Baumrind, D., 2018). Understanding how different disciplinary styles impact children’s behavior and well-being is crucial for both parents and professionals. This paper presents observations of conflicts between parents and children in public places, aiming to identify various parenting styles, their consequences, and potential suggestions for more effective discipline. The observations are based on unobtrusive surveillance of public interactions, encompassing a range of situations in settings such as grocery stores, big box retailers, and restaurants, conducted from 2018 onwards. By analyzing these real-life scenarios, this paper provides insights into the diverse parenting styles and their implications on child development.

Types of Conflict Situations and Parental Reactions

The observed conflict situations varied in nature, from disagreements over cereal choices in a grocery store to meltdowns in the toy section and tantrums in the checkout line (Darling & Steinberg, 2018; Baumrind, 2018). Parents’ responses to these conflicts were diverse, encompassing authoritative, permissive, and authoritarian disciplinary styles (Darling & Steinberg, 2018; Baumrind, 2018). In the cereal aisle, an example of an authoritative parenting style was observed. A parent calmly explained the reasons behind choosing a healthier cereal option and engaged the child in a negotiation, offering a choice between two suitable options. The child reacted positively, selecting one of the options without further protest. This approach is consistent with Darling and Steinberg’s (2018) description of authoritative parenting, characterized by warmth, clear communication, and age-appropriate expectations. Conversely, in the toy section, a parent displayed a permissive style by yielding to the child’s demands for multiple toys without setting boundaries. The child continued to make additional demands, leading to a public tantrum when the parent eventually refused. This aligns with the permissive parenting style, marked by a lack of structure and limits, as described by Baumrind (2018). The child may internalize the message that their desires supersede rules, potentially affecting their impulse control and frustration tolerance.

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