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Jan 13, 2022

It is essential that all staff working in care organizations are aware of the relevant legislation and policy that affect their work. In this section, we will explore the effects of legislation and policy on practice.

The first thing that is important to know about legislation and policy is that its never just the law. Legislation may have been passed by Parliament, but it doesnt become more than just something on a piece of paper until it has an effect on practice.

Legislation influences practice in three different ways: directly through its provisions; indirectly through the policies it gives rise to; and cumulatively as a result of all the legislation that has been passed.

Person-centered care is a way of delivering healthcare that puts the individual at its center, by promoting their rights and giving them control over what happens to themselves. This includes being able to make choices for how they want things done as well as having those decisions personalized so it meets all needs perfectly.

Outcomes-based practice is a way of providing care services and it focuses on the end result. Outcome expectations are set at an individual level, rather than focusing solely on medical complications or symptoms that may occur within the course of treatment; this allows for more personalized decisions about treatments with better potential outcomes.

Both person-centred and outcome-based practices are legally required to be included in your organizations policies. This means that it will have an effect on how you provide care for patients, as well as the quality of life these individuals live afterward.

Below, we will look at some examples that highlight the association between these approaches and statutory frameworks.

Care Act 2014

The Care Act 2014 is a framework that ensures that person-centered care is always provided to the people who need it. The act also requires your organization to provide information about how you are following this process, so theres no hiding anything from any external parties.

The quality of an individuals life before or after receiving long-term treatment is also taken into account by the Care Act 2014. The act says that your organization must meet the needs of individuals in a way that promotes their wellbeing and independence, and supports their rights. This means that you are legally obligated to provide person-centered care that is tailored to meet each individuals specific needs.

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