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Sep 25, 2023

When thinking about climate change, what is your main MANGETOUT MOMENT?

Make a pledge on one area of climate action that you will be experimenting in the next 4 weeks (Week 5 – 8) to create a MANGETOUT MOMENTUM.

Choose one of the areas of climate action below where your behavior can create an impact: Electricity – Malaysia’s sources of electricity generation, how our electricity usage contributes to emissions Transport – this sector’s reliance on fossil fuels, challenges, and opportunities for active transportation Trash – how consumption patterns in Malaysia are contributing to emissions, spotlighting things like plastic, clothes Food – engaging with the problem of food waste in Malaysia, and how different foods have different ‘foodprints’ Forests – discussions on deforestation and peatland use in Malaysia, linking to sustainable production and consumer power Go through the Bite-Size Climate Action modules on these different areas to gain ideas! You can also watch this video of a webinar organized by the UM Campus Sustainability Living Labs on simple green practices that you can easily do at home and on campus.

In my case, my pledge is to avoid single-use plastic usage Then write a REPORT about your experience throughout the next 4 weeks (Week 5 – 8) in creating your MANGETOUT MOMENTUM.

This should include an Introduction: A full description of your mangetout moment and your selection of an area of climate action as your Mangetout Momentum. Provide the justification of your choice of climate action and how you think this can create change at your level of influence.

Discussion: Four weekly reports on the progress you have achieved in your climate action, and the challenges that you faced throughout. Conclusion: Suggestions on ways in which you can improve your climate action in the future, and some conclusions on the key lesson(s) that you have learned from this exercise.

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