+44 7743 307695
Apr 28, 2023

Examine barriers to the sustainability of your evidence-based intervention within the practice. Barriers to examine for the sustainability of intervention are lack of communication and resistance to change. Effective communication with stakeholders will decrease barriers. Stakeholder relationship is key for any project implementation (Rajhans, 2018). When implementing evidence-based practice guidelines, it’s important to include all key stakeholders to maintain sustainability. For example, discussing with providers about increased hospital follow-up appointments due to hyperglycemia during the staff meeting. Then, ask providers and staff their thoughts on implementing an intervention to reduce blood sugar in these patients. Appraise how the barriers may be overcome to ensure the continuality of high-quality and effective care. Some strategies for overcoming barriers are educational meetings, dissemination of training materials, and effective communication (Peters et al., 2022). Educational meetings about the guideline will provide information on how to use it and its benefit. The educational meetings will be held with all the practice key stakeholders. Next, disseminating training materials will ensure the guideline is utilized appropriately to impact the identified population. Communication about intervention intent and benefits can be delivered via electronic and written materials to staff to ascertain everyone is on the same page (Houghton et al., 2020).

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