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Feb 06, 2024


Write six paragraphs

In her Guardian article "`One Day We`ll Disappear`: Tuvalu`s Sinking Islands, Eleanor Ainge Roy mentions a number of possible strategies to address the impact of global warming on the Tuvalu islands, including constructing a sea wall, dredging and reclaiming the land, building a floating island, and evacuation. Choose one of the solutions discussed in the article (or propose another strategy) and make an argument for its implementation. You may (but do not have to) explain why other strategies are less desirable than your choice.

It should have

  • a one-sentence working thesis statement that expresses your arguable position on the topic.
  • a draft Works Cited page in MLA style that includes a minimum of five credible research sources that meet the source requirements (at least five total sources, including at least one article from a library database, at least one credible Web site, and at least one book or video). Please note that you may change your sources if you wish after you have submitted your proposal.
  • a one-paragraph summary of each of your sources. For book sources, summarize only the part of the book that is relevant to your topic.

Teacher ex.

Thesis: Although racially diverse juries have been shown to be more thorough and accurate in their deliberations, racial discrimination in jury selection persists throughout the United States.


In his Washington Post article, "Many Juries in America Remain Mostly White, Prompting States to Take Action to Eliminate Racial Discrimination in Their Selection" Emmanuel Felton argues that the use of preemptory challenges and questions about potential jurors` experiences with police facilitates the exclusion of people of color from juries. Other factors, such as low pay for jury service and using voter registration and DMV info to find potential jurors, tend to skew juries to be whiter and wealthier. Still, states like Arizona and Washington are trying to find ways to reduce discrimination against jurors of color. In his Vander bilt Law Review article "The Jim Crow Jury," Thomas Ward Frampton considers the history of racial discrimination in jury selection in examining 13,000 preemptorystrikes in recent criminal trials in Louisiana. He concludes that racial discrimination in jury selection and deliberations is rampant and that nonunanimous juries help perpetuate this injustice.

The Berkely Law Death Penalty Clinic`s report "White washing the Jury Box: How California Perpetuates the Discriminatory Exclusion of Black and Latinx Juror" examines the history of racial discriminatory practices in jury selection in California, as well as the current situation. The report looks at the use of preemptory challenges and how the focus on racist intent in opposing preemptory challenges is inadequate. The report exposes how implicit bias is not addressed by this focus and is often even encouraged in the training of prosecutors.

In his Journal of Personality and Social Psychology article, "On Racial Diversity and Group Decision Making: Identifying Multiple Effects of Racial Composition on Jury Deliberations," Samuel R. Sommers discusses a study of how groups of varying racial makeup deliberated differently, both in terms of process and results. Racially diverse groups were more thorough and more accurate in their deliberations, suggesting that including people of color on juries will lead to more just outcomes.

In his book Just Mercy, author Bryan Stevenson describes the history of excluding Black people from juries in the Deep South, despite Supreme Court decisions outlawing racial discrimination in jury selection. He details how Blacks were excluded, usually by prosecutors` use of preemptory challenges, in specific cases and how a change of venue motion in Walter McMillian`s case resulted in moving him from a county 40% Black county to one that was only 9% Black.

Works Cited

Felton, Emmanuel. "Many Juries in America Remain Mostly White, Prompting States to Take  Action to Eliminate Racial Discrimination in Their Selection." The Washington Post, WP Company, 24 Dec. 2021,

Frampton, Thomas Ward. "The Jim Crow Jury." Vanderbilt Law Review, vol. 71, no. 5, 2018,pp. 1593-654.

Semel, Elisabeth, et al. "Whitewashing the Jury Box: How California Perpetuates theDiscriminatory Exclusion of Black and Latinx Jurors." Berkeley Law, Berkeley Law DeathPenalty Clinic, 24 Mar. 2022.

Sommers, Samuel R. "On Racial Diversity and Group Decision Making: Identifying MultipleEffects of Racial Composition on Jury Deliberations." Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology, vol. 90, no. 4, 2006, pp. 597-612, Bryan. Just Mercy. Spiegel & Grau, 2015, pp. 59-62.

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