Detail any unique concerns and requirements in the statutes for your state.
Outline the basic components that should be incorporated in a child custody evaluation in order to satisfy the standards of all three documents.
Describe circumstances under which you might tempted to deviate from these standards and guidelines.
Explain what might you do when conducting these evaluations to decrease risk of board complaints against your license to practice psychology.
Also respond to Valerie in a separate paragraph please and thank you
The statute Florida enforces in these cases dealing with child custody determination is focused on what is in the best interest of the child. The guidelines for the child custody evaluation are in accordance with theses standards. I found your post to be very informative and thing that Florida keeps the best interest of children in mind. I think that the termination of parental rights for the reasons your mentioned are reasonable. In any given situation it is never easy to remove the child from their parents. Unfortunately, there are certain situation that require these actions to be taken for the child to have a chance at a normal and stable life.
Also respond to Madison in a SEPERATE paragraph please thank you
Alabama follows APA guidelines when handling child custody evaluations. The purpose of child custody evaluations is to assist in determining the psychological best interests of a child (No Author, 2023). The extensive clinical training of psychologists equips them to investigate a substantial array of conditions, statuses and capacities. Before agreeing to conduct a child custody evaluation, psychologists seek when necessary to clarify the referral question and to determine whether they are potentially able to provide opinions or recommendations (No Author, 2023). Psychologists first strive to obtain appropriately informed consent. Obtaining informed consent honors the legal rights of all involved and also allows persons to determine not only whether they will make various disclosures during the course of an examination or other request for information (No Author, 2023). Psychologists use language that is understandable to the evaluee and if the examinee is legally incapable of informed consent, psychologists provide an appropriate explanation, seek the examinees assent, consider the preferences and best interests of the examinee, and obtain appropriate permission from a legally authorized person (No Author, 2023). Next, psychologists strive to use diverse and accurate methods for addressing the questions raised in a specific evaluation. Direct methods of data gathering typically include such components as psychological testing, clinical interviews, and behavioral observation. Psychologists may also have access to documentation such as school records, health care providers, child care providers, agencies and any others involved in the child’s life (No Author, 2023). Psychologists may also consider and also document ways in which involvement in a custody dispute may impact persons from whom data is collected. Then, when necessary, court resources will be available to psychologists in order to complete said evaluations such as sopena to appear, and court data bases (No Author, 2023). Last, the examining psychologist makes a final feels is in the best interest of the child for the judges final decision. Based on this information and the three documents, the components that should be incorporated in a child custody evaluation are quite simple. First, review the case details that need the evaluation. Second, use every resource available to compile the desired report for the judge; speak to teachers, family, doctors, anyone involved in the child’s life. In addition, use tactic such as sopenas when necessary. Last compile all information in an understandable report for the judge to review. No Author. Guidelines for child evaluations. Sincerely, Madi