+44 7743 307695
Oct 28, 2023

The course is called "Digital Innovation", and it`s a research-based course related to the Information System industry.

Specifically, it involves creating an industry report. For this course, we`ve chosen the "New South Wales Hospitals" industry as the focus of our research. Task Overview:

• The analysis will be in the context of the selected organization in the industry mentioned below. You are expected work based on selected organization in the industry mentioned below to fulfil the requirements of this assessment.

• NSW Hospitals

• You are expected to write a thoroughly researched/analysed critical business reports.

• You are required to thoroughly research your work and provide citations and references for all use Harvard referencing format.
• You assume the responsibility to ensure the report you are producing is of high quality, including plagiarism and collision checks.
• Please be aware that the MS project software you will need to use for your assessment Much of the preliminary work such as planning etc., can be undertaken with software other than MS project and a pen and paper.

1. Explore the opportunities to identify, prioritise, incubate and exploit possibilities provided by information, communication and digital technologies;

2. Research and apply implications of digital innovation for business model/business processes in the digital space;

3. Critical analyse of the theoretical and practical issues in the integration of the latest developments in ICT and the digital space;

4. Integrate diverse user stakeholder (internal and external communities, employees, partners, customers and users) needs, organising and leading innovative initiatives, and the impact of interpersonal communication in the innovative process: to incorporate in a business environment.

5. Identify and explore contemporary challenges for the implementation of such innovation in a business environment;

6. Critically analyse the implication of governance, security, ethics, and risk associated in the innovation process in a business environment.

integrate diverse user stakeholder (internal and external communities, employees, partners, customers and users) needs, organising and leading innovative initiatives, and the impact of interpersonal communication inthe innovative process: to incorporate in a business environment

identify and explore contemporary challenges for the implementation ofsuch innovation in a business environment;

critically analyse the implication of governance, security, ethics, andrisk associated in the innovation process in a business environment.

Assessment Details (Overview)

You are expected to write a thoroughly researched and critically analyzed digital transformation business report for the top management to full the requirements of assignment 1, 2 & 3 as follows.

You have been hired as a consultant for the organization (in the healthcare Industry) you have been selected for the digital transformation due to your exceptional credentials. The CTO of the selected healthcare service provider in the industry mentioned above has identified "AI Enabled Applications/technologies" as an emerging technology that could have real implications for any healthcare service provider of your choice. However, the increased in-house HC services and remote and online consultations due to the above-mentioned technology/applications have the potential to change the landscape of HC service provider activities in any HC institution. The CTO of the selected HC organization is very interested to know the process and procedures for the digital transformation required to be able to take full advantage of AI-Enabled Applications/Technologies. Therefore, to be able to fully take advantage of AI Enabled Applications/Technologies in a digital economy and increasing expectations of the HC customers. The selected organization needs to go through digital innovation/transformation.

You need to thoroughly research the trends and explain potential implications of "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" within the scope mentioned above in the selected HC organization.

Prepare a briefing report for the CTO that analyzes "AI Enabled Applications/technologies" in terms of how the technology affects the efficiency and effectiveness of operations in the changing work environment in the selected HC organization. Perform a feasibility and viability (business model canvas and value proposition) for "AI Enabled Applications/technologies" to determine the business model/value proposition in the selected organization of your choice. Develop the product or a process roadmap by outlining the minimal viable product or process. Develop a cost-benefit analysis for "AI Enabled Applications/technologies".

In this course, there are three components that need to be submitted as a professional business report (each report should be a complete document in its own right) to the Chief Technology Officer of the major HC organization of your own choice in the industry mentioned above.

You are allowed to select an organization of your own interest in the industry mentioned above to demonstrate the scope of this assignment. However, you are warned not to select an organization that cannot compromise the scope and assessment objectives of this course.

Report Integration Report

This is a follow-up to Assignments 1 (Report 1) and Assignment 2 (Report 2). As such, it uses the same scenario, (NSW Hospitals) and you are to use the same organization.

The management and board director of your selected organization have approved your Use Case Report and Business Model Report. They have now asked you to complete the Integration Report as a final follow-up piece of work. The purpose of this is to provide the management and board of directors with an understanding of the various risks that are involved, and how they can assess the readiness of the business to accept the use of "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" digital innovation/transformation technologies solution more broadly, as well as integration and implementation issues that may arise. This final report is to cover all the following.

In this report to the CTO, you must address each of the following requirements adequately:

1. Summary of the Use Case (one-page maximum) - provides a high-level synthesized summary of the "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" digital innovation/transformation technologies solution chosen, and the specific use case selected (from Assignments 1&2- (NSW Hospitals).

2. Potential Risks (two pages maximum) - implementing new technology has potential various risks associated with it. The selected organization would like to understand what some of the potential risks are for the "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" digital innovation/transformation technologies solution being implemented.

3. Ethical Considerations (two pages maximum) - in implementing any type of technology there are potential ethical issues that could arise and need to be taken into consideration. The selected organization would like to understand the potential ethical considerations in implementing the selected "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" digital innovation/transformation technologies solution.

4. Technology Impact Assessment (three pages maximum) - introducing new technology and digital innovation means there will impact on the selected organization from a number of perspectives. The selected organization would like to understand the issues that could arise and other considerations related to these impacts.

5. Potential Integration Issues (two pages maximum) - given the selected organization would already have some existing technology, some of which may be quite old, there could be potential integration issues. The selected organization would like to understand what are.

6. Business Readiness Assessment (one-page maximum) - if an organization isn`t ready to accept new technology, then it may not be adopted which could waste resources. The board of directors would like to know how to assess if the selected organization is ready to accept the "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" digital innovation/transformation technologies solution proposed.

7. Technology Issues (one page maximum) - develop a road map with strategies to mitigate issues related to integrations of "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" digital innovation/transformation technologies in the selected organization.

8. Identify Future Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Trends in Artificial Intelligence (one page maximum) - the selected organization would also like to understand what future trends are in relation to "AI Enabled Applications/Technologies" digital innovation/transformation technologies.

9. Cost Benefit Analysis (One-page maximum) - From the non-technical board of directors, prospective provide cost-benefit analysis with justifications.

10. Recommendations and Conclusion (half a page maximum) - provide a Recommendation section highlighting the key suggestions/recommendations from the Integration Report and a separate section for the Conclusion, which outlines the key findings of the report with supporting arguments.

List of References

Academic writing and copyright law require that you acknowledge the source when using the ideas of others. In this course, we use the Harvard AGPS Style that requires a list of references (not bibliographies) and in-text citations of sources. Include page numbers in in-text citations for quoted or closely paraphrased material. The case study should not be referenced but the ideas that you used from your prescribed text and readings must be cited in-text and included in the list of references. Only list those sources that you cited in your written work. Make sure that you follow the correct Harvard AGPS method of referencing.

• You must cite at least 15 scholarly references. Of these 15 references, at least 12 must be peer- reviewed journal articles less than 10 years old. Websites and video-based references are not suitable
for use in this course`s assignment.

WORD LIMIT: approx 5,500 words for this task (references will not count).

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