Final Project Credit card numbers and the case of Mobius Duck
In this project, you are assisting an investigation. The investigator asked you to help him determine the
validity of credit card numbers located in a case of Mobius Duck, case number 20150510-001.
Your task is to:
Read the data listed below Data to Evaluate from a file.
Evaluate each number to see if they are representing a possible credit card number.
Validate each credit card number to see if they are a valid number.
Store the valid numbers and invalid numbers in a separate array.
Write the contents of validated credit card number array into a file called valid_cards.txt.
Write the invalid credit card number array to a file called invalid_numbers.txt.
Make sure to include the issuer for each group of credit card numbers identified.
Your application should work with any number of credit card entries.
Turn in:
Source code ( .java ) files of all classes and driver class.
Completed UML for application classes.
Flow chart for every method that contains beyond sequential logic flow.
Generated javadocs structure.
Input and output files
Naming standard followed for project files 2%
Input and output files 2%
Javadoc structure 5%
Project compiled without error 91%
Proper use of internal comments, docstrings, and tags 5%
Self documenting field, identifier, method, static, final, and class identifiers 5%
Properly validated input and output files 5%
Properly used arrays to store data 5%
Correct output calculated by the Luhn algorithm and card number issuer identified 71%
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