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May 23, 2023

This assignment requires a 3-page formal analysis focused on observable truths and a demonstration of your understanding of formal elements of design. Your analysis should not involve outside research. Emphasize formal elements by bolding them throughout your paper.

Compare and contrast the following formal elements and concepts in each painting:

  • Quality of line
  • Color
  • Light and Shadow
  • Space and form
  • Naturalism vs. Abstraction

While a formal analysis primarily examines form over content, discuss how differences in these formal elements affect the emotional response of the viewer to each painting. For example, explain why Nolde’s depiction of Christ is more emotionally charged than Montegna’s.

Ensure your paper includes a strong introduction and conclusion. Remember the following guidelines when writing about art:

  • Use a formal academic style without first-person narrative.
  • Artwork titles should be italicized.
  • Refer to artists by their last name or full name (e.g., Nolde or Emil Nolde).
  • Avoid vague descriptors like "great" or "things"; instead, use specific terms.
  • Anticipate and address potential questions or uncertainties in your analysis.

Follow MLA or APA style guides for citations and formatting.

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