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May 01, 2023


Cells And Homeostasis

Learning outcome 1

  1. Golgi Apparatus
  2. Nucleolus
  3. Ribosome
  4. Negative Feedback
  5. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
  6. Soma
  7. Neutrophil
  8. Mitochondria
  9. pH
  10. Basophil

Learning outcome 2

  1. Cell membrane
  2. Phospholipids bilayer
  3. Hydrophilic head
  4. Hydrophobic tail
  5. Glycolipids
  6. important
  7. phospholipds
  8. essential
  9. surface receptors
  10. collagen 

Learning outcome 3:

Thermoregulation refers to a process, it allows the body in maintaining a core internal temperature. All the thermoregulatory mechanisms are designed for returning the human body to a state of homeostasis. This state is an equilibrium state. Internal environment of the body that is healthy falls under a window. An average person, mainly has a temperature (baseline), between 37°C (98°F), and 37.8°C (100°F). Human body has some amount of flexibility with reference to temperature. If the body temperature is in extremes, human body cannot function properly. There are many factors that affect the temperature inside the body, like more amount of time spent in heat or extremely cold weather conditions. Increase in temperature is evident in fever, during digestion and exercise. Temperature inside the body occurs in situations like use of alcohol, metabolic situations, and under-functioning of thyroid gland. Hypothalamus refers to that section of the brain, which is responsible for controlling thermoregulation. When the hypothalamus, actually is in a position to sense internal temperature, (too high or low), it mainly send signals to organs, glands, nervous system and muscles. By a number of ways, they respond and help in returning the temperature to normal temperature. When internal temperature shows changes, the CNS sensors, sends a message to the hypothalamus. By giving a response, it sends a number of signals to various systems and organs in the body. When the human body cools down, it can result in sweating and vasodilatation occurs. Sweat is released from the sweat glands, it helps in cooling the skin, when it evaporates. All this helps in in lowering the internal temperature. Also, the blood vessels placed under the skin widen. This process leads to an increase in the blood flow to the areas of the skin which are cool, and away from inner body that is warm. Heat is released from the body by means of heat radiation.

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