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Mar 05, 2024

Assignment Task

Your Clinical Facilitator has reviewed your Patient Education Leaflet. They understand that it is not referenced, since it is entirely aimed at the patient. However, they want to be sure you are meeting the required Professional and academic standards. Therefore:

You are required to provide a report based on the Patient Education Leaflet you have developed for Task 2A. The target audience is your Clinical Facilitator, an experienced RN.

1. Pathophysiology explanation. You need to explain the pathophysiology of asthma in CLINICAL terms and explanations using appropriate evidence-based literature in support. This explanation should include the effects of the relevant triggers. It should also explain this patient`s signs and symptoms.

This does not need to be in much greater depth than that supplied in the leaflet. Simply represent the information given in academic wording and formatting, including the references used.

2. Justification of health promotion education provided for this case study patient and his family. You will use the appropriate evidence-based literature to provide support for the health promotional education you have provided in 2A. You are required to cover the same health promotion/health management information and rationales given in the Patient Education Leaflet but again using full academic sentences and appropriate clinical terms and explanations.

Consider: Why are we giving this information to this patient (rationale/justification)? And: who supports the validity of this information (Literature support. This is Section 1 of the 2B rubric)?

3. Integration and Application of social justice principles and professional standards: The discussion must integrate key professional standards (NSQHS and NMBA) relevant to patient participation in health care, patient education and/or health literacy. Include analysis on how the patient education provided supports or influences patient participation in health care.

This is where much of the difference in word count between 2a and 2b should be used. A strong response will clearly identify the specific action within the Standard and clearly link the education/principles followed/nursing action to show how they are guided by the Professional Standard.

4. Your report must be written using academic writing principles (full sentences, proper paragraphing) and include in-text referencing and a final reference list. Referencing should comply with APA7 principles

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